Chapter 5 - Manipulation

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Roxy was making her way to the nearest medical aid station while carrying Jack, who seemed to be taking a quick nap on her shoulder. "Hey kid, this is no time to sleep! Wake up." She shook him lightly, Jack's eyes shot open with a slight yelp, causing the animatronic to laugh, "Did you seriously sleep on me?" he placed a hand on his forehead, 'How did I allow myself to sleep under these circumstances!?' "Yeah... I'm sorry about that." Roxy sighed and rolled her eyes, "You gotta stop apologizing so much kid." She said while placing him down since he was no longer tired, he looked up at her, "Oh, I'm so-" he stopped himself before finishing the sentence, "Yeah... I guess I do apologize a lot." She playfully ruffled his hair "It's alright kid... Anyways, here we are." They both entered the medical aid station, Jack sat on a nearby chair while Roxanne searched for bandages, after finding what she was looking for, she went up to him and started working on his wound, "This might sting a little." She warns before placing the badges, Jack nodded and she applied them. "Hey, Roxy..." The boy said right after she finished working on the wound, "Everything on this place is out to get me... But not you, why?" She avoided his gaze for a moment, unable to come up with a concrete answer, "I don't know... I'm just doing what I'm supposed to do, helping guests is part of my job, the others should want to help you too, but something has corrupted their system... Chica was complaining about a "headache" before I found you." Jack thought for a second before speaking again, "Like a virus?" Roxy snapped her fingers, "Yeah! Like a virus, some punk must have infected my friends with a virus, likely the person who is after you." 'Vanny...' Jack thought to himself, "But... Why aren't you infected?" a smirk grew on her face, "I guess they didn't dare to infect the great Roxanne Wolf!" She exclaimed proudly, causing the boy to giggle, "Yeah, right.", Roxy chuckled as well, she didn't like to admit it, but she was getting quite attached to the boy... Which wasn't a good thing, she'd likely never see him again after he left the Pizzaplex, her expression saddened at the thought, which didn't go unnoticed by Jack, "Hey, you're alright?" he asked softly, Roxy stiffened her expression, "Yeah, of course." Roxanne would rather die than show any type of weakness to Jack, this behavior would always result in her suppressing her true feelings, but she didn't care as long as it meant keeping her reputation safe. Jack stood up from the chair, "Well, I'm all good now, we should keep going..." He looked at the FazWatch on his wrist, "Ugh, It's only 1 AM, we still have 5 hours until 6 AM and I'm already sleepy." "I could try getting you a Fizzy Faz if we pass by a vending machine, seriously, those things have enough sugar to keep you awake for weeks! Anyways, we should get going."


The duo entered an elevator that would take them to the main atrium "So how exactly do we go to Parts and Service?" Asked Jack, "It's under the main stage in the main atrium, the stage lifts us down there after every concert, it's the only way I know honestly." she said while pressing the elevator button, "So we just need to find a way to turn on the lift." "And how do we do that?" "By using the lift controls on the Backstage Office of course, " "Right..." The elevator opened its doors and they stepped outside into the main atrium. "You can't hide forever!" "Your family is looking for you..." Jack instantly tensed up at the sound of two familiar voices echoing through the atrium, "Damn it! They're here!" "Don't worry, keep going, and don't let them see you, I'll notify you of their locations." The boy raised a brow, "Wait, you can see them?" Roxy smirked proudly and pointed a finger to her eyes, "I told you I have the best eyes around here, they have special sensors that allow me to see movement through walls." "Oh wow, that's really convenient for my situation."

The duo parted ways to avoid suspicion, Jack cautiously sneaked alone through the atrium, carefully avoiding Chica, Monty, and the Patrol bots, but he was unsure of where to go. "Roxy, where should I go?" He said to his FazWatch, Roxy hummed before answering, "You'll need a Backstage Pass to access the lift controls, there should be one in the Rehearsal Room on the other side of the building... Go to the Roxy Raceway entrance, I'll meet you there." "Got it" Jack finished the call and began making his way to Roxy Raceway.

"Stay Safe" - OC Story x Roxanne WolfWhere stories live. Discover now