Chapter 7 - New Plan

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The stage began to descend, because of the darkness, Jack turned on his flashlight. The lift stopped going down and a door opened for them. They walked through the door into a poorly lit area. "This is the way to Parts and Service, just follow me." Roxy said and Jack nodded in response.

As they kept walking in the direction of parts and service, Roxy suddenly asked a question that surprised Jack. "So, what's the name of your friend again? That girl who is also lost here." "Oh, her name's Sarah." Roxy placed a hand on her chin, "Sarah... Why is that name so familiar to me..." She thought for a moment, before snapping her fingers after remembering, "Oh yeah! Sarah Williams, of course, I know her... She has one of the highest rankings on my raceway, I think I raced with her once, of course she couldn't beat me but I must admit... She has some impressive racing skills." Jack chuckled a bit before speaking, "She'd be very happy hearing that from you, she's a big fan of you and your raceway." She looked at him a bit surprised, "Really?" Jack nodded.

But then, the boy's expression was suddenly filled with sadness and concern as he remembered that Sarah was still missing. "I hope she's okay..." He said with sadness, which didn't go unnoticed by Roxy, it was quite amusing to her how much he worried about the girl. "You're really worried about her aren't you? She must be very important to you." Jack sighed before speaking, "Yeah... We have been best friends ever since we were babies, she's always been there for me, I really don't wanna lose her..." 'I can't stand to lose yet another important person to me...' He thought the last part to himself. "I honestly see her as something more than just a friend..." Roxy processed for a moment what he had said, she then smirked, "Hmm, do you have a crush on her or something?" She said with a teasing tone, the boy looked at her with wide-open eyes, "W-what?! No! Eww, no that's not what I meant!" He shouted with a hint of annoyance in his voice, "What I meant is that... I see her as a sister y'know? We are very close to each other and... She's the only one who stayed with me after all my friends left me..." Roxy raised a brow at the last part, "Huh? Why do you mean your friends left you?" She questioned him. The boy sighed before explaining, avoiding Roxy's gaze, "Oh well... Me and Sarah were part of a friend ground, but a pretty horrible thing happened to me not long ago and I guess they just didn't want to deal with my emotional mess, so they just distanced themselves from me..." She looked at him a bit shocked, she felt a bit of her robot heart shatter, she wasn't sure why she was feeling so empathetic towards him, but she just was. He suddenly felt a cold metallic hand touch his shoulder, bringing him closer, "Well, you don't need those losers when you have someone like me as your friend." She said in a soft-spoken voice, he looked up at her surprised, "...Do you really mean it?" "Of course! After everything we went through, It's more than fair to say that we're friends now." She said while playfully shuffling his hair, making him giggle, "Nice, I guess we're friends now." He said, earning a warm smile from the animatronic.


"And here we are, good ol' Parts and Services." Roxy said while pointing to the set of double doors in front of them, Jack grinned seeing that they had finally arrived at their desired location. Roxanne opened the doors, which led them to another set of doors with two big windows, she opened those doors and they finally made it inside Parts and Services.

Jack looked around the place with amusement. It seemed to be a high-tech room filled with equipment, but the thing that got his attention the most was a giant cylinder-shaped room in the middle of the place, the giant windows around it allowed him to see mechanical arms and a table inside it. Jack's curiosity was burning, he's always been fascinated by engineering and robotics, he wanted to understand how that whole place worked no matter what. "That's it, kid, you'll stay here until 6 A.M, Sun said that this place was designed to protect the technicians if anything went wrong, so it should be a safe place for you." She said while running her fingers through her hair, which was quite messy at this point. Jack looked at her a bit confused, "And what are you going to do now?" Roxanne was about to speak when her vision was blocked by a warning:

"Stay Safe" - OC Story x Roxanne WolfWhere stories live. Discover now