A Giant No

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None of the adults seem too worried when we walk past them and right out the door. They're too mixed up in their own problems and thoughts to take notice of us four.

We go down the stairs and once we're on the bottom floor we open the door. We're outside! There are a lot of people walking quickly by us, like they all have someplace important to be. No one takes a second look at us as we stand in the doorway with nowhere to go.

"That way," says Hyla, pointing left to where the majority of people are scurrying.

"I want to go right," I say, pointing in the other direction.

"No," says Hyla. "We should follow the crowd. It looks like there's something going on."

"There is, the census," I say.

"Then there's a good possibility of finding Rassel where's there are more people, right?"

"Have it your way then."

We fall in behind a young couple in jeans and t-shirts. They have their heads down and are walking quickly. They both hold small blue cloth bundles tightly under their arms. They're not the only ones with packages, many people have bundles tucked at their sides.

Several metres into our covert mission, the couple takes a sharp left, leaving us in their dust. Literally. The air is thick with filth. Some people wear white masks covering their mouths and noses. Although we've been putting up with trail dust for a while and are used to breathing in the thousands of tiny particles, there's another element flying around here: smoke.

A pile of junk smolders in front of us. So we go left too and continue straight down the street amongst squat stone buildings until we walk right into a large open area. It's a big public square with GlobalGov signs all over the place. Right smack in the middle – there's a huge statue of "our" leader.

There's Sebastian. Ten times his real size, glowing in silver and standing with outstretched arms like he's offering us the world. If the sculpture isn't weird enough, people are going up to it and bowing. Like it's a real person.

"Do we have to do that too?" whispers Crinae.

"I think we'd better," says Hyla. "Everyone else is offering their gratitude."

It's true. No matter from which direction people are entering the square, they stop to bow to the statue and then leave their bundles under the giant's feet.

We walk slowly towards the larger-than-life form and do a quick shallow bow. (Except for Chuck. He just stands there.) I peek at one of the packages that has toppled over and see a couple of books. I can't make out the titles but I'm sure they're ones that Sebastian has outlawed: meaning any book that teaches democracy and the balance of power.

Paying homage to Sebastian makes my hands shake and my right eye twitch. The GlobalGov is responsible for taking my family. I do not want to show Sebastian any kind of courtesy.

"Let's turn around," suggests Crinae. "I've had about enough of this place."

"That Rassel-man won't be here," says Hyla.

They're right.

"I'm done too," I say.

"Right you are," says a voice behind me. Solomon's voice. I spin around to see him looking unlike the man I've known. Gone is his fatherly voice. Gone is the kindness in his eyes. Gone is any concern for us. He stands with his fists tight, leaning forward as if he's going to strike out at me. His eyes have narrowed and he speaks gruffly, in anger.

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