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Present (1914, 6th year at Hogwarts):

Y/N L/N and Newt Scamander have been friends with each other since the beginning of their years at Hogwarts. Meeting each other on the train to Hogwarts. Although with their different personalities, interests, and house, they still cared for each other no matter what. Y/N L/N was a promising Gryffindor student and a quidditch player, she had a big heart and has a lot of courage. Newt Scamander on the other hand was more of a timid Hufflepuff student and a simple person.

Y/N's POV:

I walked in the hallways rushing to class with Leta Lestrange. She was one of my very close friends. We then made it to potions class in time. 

"Phew! We made it in time!" I sighed heavily, we then sat next to each other, yes it might seem weird that a Gryffindor and Slytherin are friends, but it really isn't, people were eyeing us like we were weird, I then noticed Newt missing from his seat, the professor then walks in

"Good morning class," he says "Now let's cut to the chase, you and your partners will be making a laughing potion, now attendance,"

"Y/N L/N?" 


"Leta Lestrange?"

"Present," he then goes through the list of names 

"Newt Scamander?" there was nothing but silence "Well, he'll be in detention for his absence, now off you go"

Leta and I went to go and retrieve the ingredients for the potion. Springwater, alihosty leaves, billywig leaves, knarl quills, puffskein hair, horseradish powder. We then placed them in the cauldron, as it bubbles, the last thing we needed was laughter. We then thought for a moment of what would make us laugh.

"Oh! Remember that time when you sealed that girl's mouth shut? That was so funny," I said chuckling a bit to Leta, she then laughed, I then waved the wand, and we were finished, we then placed it in a vial, the professor then came over and took a look

"Excellent job, Ms. L/N and Ms. Lestrange," he says "10 points each for Gryffindor and Slytherin,"

"Ugh Lestrang again!" the girls in front of us said annoyedly, they were in Slytherin "Sh! She'll curse us!"

"You know what we should do?" Leta whispered to me 

"What?" I asked

"We should put it in their food later," I then chuckled at her plan, I nodded

When lunchtime rolled around, Leta placed the potion into the girl's food. She then sits next to me and we both laughed a bit. They took a bite of their food and started laughing uncontrollably, and then Leta and I did too. We gave it away, then the girls laughed their way to Professor McGonagall and told her what we'd done. She then walks to us.

"Now which one of you did this?" she asks sternly, I then looked and saw Leta's face saddening, I then stood up 

"It was me professor," I stated "They were making fun of Leta,"

"Well Ms. L/N, I expected better from you, you may be a promising student, but that doesn't grant you whatever you may please," she states "You'll have detention after school in my office,"

I nodded and sat back down. After lunch ended, Leta and I parted ways. I then made my way to the secret hideout where Newt and I always hang out. I then entered the abandoned stone building. I then see Newt caring for a baby bird that he has been caring for the past week, I then sat down next to him, and he then notices me.

"How is she?" I asked with concern

"She's getting better," he replies "Once she grows up, I'll release her back to her home,"

"You know you got detention right?" I asked

"You know I don't like doing potions," he says smiling

"Of course, I know that, we've been friends since the first year," I said

"So how was your day so far?" he asks as he fed the fluffy bird

"Leta and I made a laughing potion and placed it into someone's food," I said

"You what now?" he asks with concern

"You heard me, also are you going to watch the quidditch game tomorrow?" I asked

"Of course, make sure you win," he said with a smile, I liked his smile, maybe that's why I fell for him in the first place

We then chatted some more. And after our free period was over, we made our way back to class, of course, Newt was scared for the bird, I am too. I then see Leta walking towards us. I then turned around and see Newt smiling.

Newt's POV:

Y/N has always been so caring and thoughtful, as I looked at her caring for the bird too. We then made our way to the hallways, I then see Leta and smiled because we were all good friends, but I was closer to Y/N more than anyone.

The Next Day (Quidditch Game):

Y/N's POV:

I was waiting in the tent before the quidditch game started, the game was against Ravenclaw, and this was the final game and we would win the Quidditch Cup. It was then time to start the game. I got onto my broom and I hear the crowd cheering. The game then started, I then went and chase down the snitch. I then felt the Ravenclaw seeker following me. I saw the snitch but I was hit by the Ravenclaw seeker. I heard Ravenclaw has already gained a point. I then chased the snitch even harder. I then hear my teammate Noah shouting.

"Come on L/N! Chase it down!" it then made me more determined, I then noticed from the seats of Hufflepuff, Newt was nowhere to be seen, I then remembered his words 'Make sure you win,'

I then chased down the snitch, I was centimeters away from it. I then stretched my entire body forward. My fingertips brushed the snitches wings. I then caught it and the snitch itself. I then held it tightly and showed it to the crowd. The Gryffindor house cheered.

"This has been the quickest game of the history of quidditch, preformed by Y/N L/N, the seeker for house of Gryffindor," the person says in the mic 

I smiled as my teammates fist bumped me. It was then night, I was then clean, I walked through the corridors before curfew started. I then hear sobs in the hallway, I then see Leta.

"Leta? What's wrong?" I asked as I bent down to her

"It's all my fault..." she cries "I got Newt expelled, I endangered another student and he tooked the blame...I'm so sorry,"

My heart sunk, but I knew it wasn't Leta's fault, Newt just had a pure heart.

"Come one..." I said helping her up "Let's go say goodbye before he leaves,"

"Y/N..." she pauses "He left hours ago,"

My heart shattered into a million pieces. 'He didn't even say goodbye to me?' I thought to myself and felt a tear streaming down my cheek

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