A Successful Plan or Not?

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Hinata: Sorry for the long wait!

(Sora's POV)

I waited for Ai-chan and the others to come back. Meanwhile I camly drank some black tea. It was about 18 minutes until my firends came back.

"Sora-chan we're back!", cried the enthusiastic tomboy.

"RiRi-chan you are so loud. I think my eardrum is broken!", Tomoyo teased.

"Now, now. We aren't here to fight. We are here to help Sora-chan!", Scolded the rednette. (A/N: I dont think that is even a word! XD)

"I would say Ai-chan is correct. Please get the things prepared."

"Hai", they said.

We took about half of a hour to get things ready. Next we invited my fiancé, Edward, to a room. We invited him into my tea room. Lying to him that I wanted to talk to him about something. Then I heard a knocking sound.

"May I ask who is it?", I asked while drinking my black tea.

"Ah~ it's Edward. Honey.", replied the person at the other side of the door.

"C-come in", I twitched.

The door opened revealing the blonde male.

"So what do you want to talk about Honey?~"

"I shall say it then. What do you want with my father and his buisness?"

"Eh? I want nothing from your father expect the joy of taking over his buisness and the right to marry such a beautiful woman."

"Well, judging from your personality that I have reasearched, you are not qualified to take over my fathers' buisness. Therefore, I shall say the fact to my father and let him consider to cancel our marriage."

"Oh you wouldn't my dear Clair"

"And please, don't call me by my first name. Call me by my last name, if you will please Mr. Silver"

"We are going to get married soon, yet you talk to me like I'm some pheasant!"

"I talk to you like that because my research tells me that you are a pheasant. Your family has a great buisness, yet such a bad son. I cannot help ,but feel bad for Mr. and Mrs. Silver."

"Enough of your royal talk. I only sweet talked with your father to become the next leader of the buisness! After the marriage I planned to get a divorce with you and since I am the male inherit, I figured that I will get the buisness!"

"So you revealed your true self. I pity you. Using others power to obtain the power you need is just... How can I put it.. Very idiotic."

"Now that you have learned my true colours, I will have no choice but to keep you quiet."

I closed my eyes. "Mother come in."

"Eh? Miss. Battes?"

"I have to say...Edward. I cannot express how disappointed I am in you." Said the older female.

"I-it's not what you think it is Miss. Battes."

"Quit your reasoning. We know your true colours. Aira! Tomoyo! Rin! You can come out now."

"Hehehe.", laughed Rin while holding a video recorder.

"I have recorded our conversation so that we can show your parents and my father Edward, Joshua, Silver.

Hinata: and that all.

Pretty Rhythm: Eternal Friends? On holdOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz