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"So there is 8 people in here. That means 8 stars! I have formed you all into groups! 4 groups in total!

First Group: Mion and Sora Pair!", shouted President Asechi.

"I will be looking foward to be working with you Sora-San.", Mion said.

"The pleasure is mine Mion-San", replied Sora.

"Second Group: Akari and Aira Pair!"

"I hope we get along.", said Alari.

"Me too.", I said.

"Third Group: Rizumu and Tomoyo Pair!"

"Let's put on an awesome show!", shouted Rizumu.

"Yeah!", Tomoyo said enthusiasticlay.

"Fourth Pair: Rin and Sonia Pair!"

"let's put on a fantastic show!", Sonia shouted.

"Yeah!", replied Rin.

"Now you have the groups you need to some up with a group name! Think about it and while your at it try to compose your song.", explained president Asechi. "I will give you 2 weeks to compose your own song and group name. Then group 1 will peform 2 day after. Oh and make your own dance too. We will be on what I call a Asian Tour. So prepare yourselves!"

"Hai", they all replied.

(With Mion-Sora Pair ~Mion POV)

This is an intersting thing and an intersting pairing. Both Sora and I have a rich family background, yet we are so different. I think that is because she was raised in England. So she has to learn proper way to speak, eat, walk, etc. Must be a pain. Anyways I will be looking foward on working with Sora-San.

(Sora POV)

Project Star Diva. Very intersting. This is very new. I have not ever worked with anyone other than the members of STARs. I hope Mion and I get along. After all she know the feeling of being alone most of the times and making sure our grades anr high. After all one day I am going to have a family of my own. We have similar traits. I think we can get along quiet well...

(With Akari-Aira Pair ~Aira POV)

Akari-chan is sweet. I will enjoy working with her. I heard that her family owns a bakery shop. How nice. I don't really know that much about her but this is my chance. I have already been heart-broken many times so I don't really trust people now. But she seems trustable.

(Akari POV)

I'm working with Aira! The Aira. Harume Aira -Prism Queen! The one who did Aurora Rising Dream! I can't believe it! Im so excited. Aira seem trustable. I will have to be careful of my words. She is recently recovering from her friends forgetting about her. How sad. I will definitely get along with Aira-san!

(With Tomoyo-Rizumu Pair ~Rizumu POV)

Yay! My first time working with one of Aira-chan's friend! I gotta say this is an unique pair. I could have never imagined us paired together. But we are. I guess I have to expect the unexpected. Was Tomoyo the choreograper or the one who makes the songs? I forgot! Well I'm going to be enjoying my time with her. I hope she likes M.E.A.T!!!

(Tomoyo POV)

I have never expected to work with a girl like Rizumu. She and Hibiki from Callings seems to be close. Maybe I can tease her like I do with Rin and Satoshi. Hehehe. Anyways I wonder what our group name will be. Hmm. Oh well. This is going to be intersting. From what I heard form Ai-chan, Rizumu is the daughter of the legendary skater Sonata. She lives meat, and once ate all boxes of chocolate that they have received from Valentine's Day. Very intersting. If Rin is here right now she will be saying im a stalker!

(With Rin-Sonia Pair ~Sonia POV)

Rin-San and I seem to have the same personality. We both are tomboys. Her family is from a long line of altheltes. I don't know her very well but this will be entertaining. I hope we get along!

(Rin POV)

This is sure an unique pair. Sonia and I seems to have a similar personality. But other than that I don't know. ..........

And so the project begins.

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