( Mini ) Family Party

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Samoa: So since the others are gone. Wanna do some stuff together.

Ember: I'm down.

Voltaic: Sure.

. . .

Ember: So what are we going to do?

Samoa: I mean, we can roam the city, watch a movie, we already did that yesterday, or smth else.

Voltaic: I mean, we could roam the city, I haven't even seen the main lobby of it.

Ember: Eh sure, I don't mind, only if Volt doesn't get into any trouble.

. . .

Samoa: This might actually be the first time we did something together.

Ember: I mean, isn't this the second time we've done something together.

Ember: There was that one time a while bac-

[8 Years Later]

(Eevee)Voltaic: Wow big sis, it's so cool that you've evolved into a Flareon.

Ember: Yup, and I'm now bigger than you.

(Eevee)Voltaic: *Humph* I bet when I evolve I'll become bigger and stronger than you!

Ember: Well, that'll be in a while.

(Eevee)Samoa: Really guys, y'all need to calm your selves down.


Voltaic: Sam really was the ones keeping us sane.

Samoa: Shush, your ruining the story.

Voltaic: Oh, sorry.

[8 Years Later]

(Eevee)Voltaic: I'm bored.

Ember: To the City we go!

(Eevee)Voltaic: Adventure!

(Eevee)Samoa: I bet, every single Mon there is going to think Ember as the mother.

Ember: Don't forget to bring some extra berries on the way.

(Eevee)Voltaic: You got it sis!


Ember: Huh, I knew it was big, just not this big.

(Eevee)Voltaic: Advertisements everywhere, but I cant look at all of them.

(Eevee)Samoa: Is this a theme park or a city?

(Just think of it being an overcrowded city, like, very overcrowded.)

Ember: So where do we go first? Aaaand Volt's already gone..

(Eevee)Samoa: Wait he is, oh.

(Eevee)Samoa: Ember, over there.

Ember: Over Where?

(Eevee)Samoa: Theme Park

Ember: Oh, Volt get back here!!

(Eevee)Samoa: So I guess it is both a City and a Theme Park, huh.


Ember: So then we just chased you down until we got tired.

Voltaic: I still have no clue how y'all still caught up to me.

Samoa: You were a energetic mother-fucker.

Voltaic: That's probably why I evolved into a Jolteon.

Samoa: Talking about evolution, I think I was the second one to evolve.

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