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Solis: You know Luna.

Luna: Hm?

Solis: We never had this quality time together in a long time.

Luna: Yeah, it's been pretty long. I'm pretty sure Aurora was with us.

Aurora walks out of the house

Solis: Speaking of which.

Aurora: Hey, I've been getting tired of Volt and Sam for I don't know how long!

Luna: Well, It's gotta be like that with a house of 9.

Aurora: Wasn't it just us 3 back then?

Solis: Yea, until we found Ember.
Then things just came together.

Luna: On the topic of that. Weren't we the last ones to get here. With Biscuit obviously.

Aurora: Yeah, we were the last ones. If I remember correctly I think we were after Aspen and Lumi.

Luna: Cool.

Le Flashback

(Eevee)Solis: You know Luna, you should have done that to him.

(Eevee)Luna: What do you mean, he had it coming.

???: Hey there!

(E)Solis: Hmh?

(E)Aurora: Hey, I'm new around here, I'm Aurora, what's your name?

(E)Luna: Aurora huh, I'm Luna and this is Solis.

(E)Aurora: Nice to meet you, Luna, Solis, wanna play.

(E)Solis: Sure, we were bored anyway.

(E)Aurora: Cool!

Le Flashforward

Solis: That's basically how we all met.

Luna: You really came out of the blue Aurora.

Aurora: Heh, guess I did.

Solis: Also Luna, you were kind of a night person when you were younger.

Luna: Yeah, also. I kinda watched you evolve.

Solis: You did?

Luna: Yeah, and Aurora was also with me.

Solis: ..wut.

Aurora: Yeah, we kinda kept it to ourselves until now.

Le Flashback pt.2

(E)Luna: What's Solis doing at this time of night?

(E)Luna: Shouldn't he be asleep by now?


(E)Solis: It's been a long time since I've seen them.

(E)Solis: Never thought I could see them again.

(E)Luna: Who's he taking about, could it be us?

Solis' body is surrounded by a white light.

(E)Luna: What's happening?

Solis evolves into a Umbreon

Solis: Finally, Luna, Aurora, I've found y'all.

(E)Luna: What.. What does he mean by that...?

(E)Aurora: Hey Luna!

(E)Luna: AAH, AURORA, ssssh.

(E)Aurora: What are you doing at this time?

(E)Luna: I was going to ask you that.

Solis: Hm, what was that?


Solis: Probably nothing.
I just hope that they didn't hear that.

Le Flashforward pt.2

Aurora: Yeah, that was a weird day.

Luna: Yeah, a really weird day.

Solis: ...

Solis: Also, didn't y'all also evolve at the same exact time.

Le Flashback pt.3

(E)Luna: Hey Solis.

Solis: Hey Luna, Hey Aurora.

(E)Aurora: Heya Solis.

Solis: So what do y'all wanna do?

(E)Aurora: No idea really.

(E)Luna: Yeah, same.

Solis: Oh, ok.


(E)Aurora: You know, I'm really glad that I've found you guys.

Solis: How so?

(E)Aurora: I've felt better than I ever was around here. I'm happy that I can finally express my feelings to y'all.

(E)Luna: Aw thanks Aurora.

Solis: Aw, It's no problem.

(E)Aurora: Thank you guys.

They all embrace in a warm hug.

Luna and Aurora start glowing.

Solis: Guys, your evolving!

*Luna evolves into a Espeon

*Aurora evolves into a Sylveon

Le Flashforward pt.3

Solis: Yeah so that's basically what happened.

Luna: Nice.
So yall wanna mess with Volt and Sam once more.

Solis: Sure!

Aurora: Right ahead of you.

Aurora picks up Volt by his ear with her feelers.

Voltaic: Hey Aurora * ow *, what are you doing?

Aurora: Getting revenge.

Voltaic: For what * ow *

Aurora: Do you even remember the first chapter?!

Voltaic: Oh

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