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This chapter is an extension of

Living Room

Voltaic: Ugh, there's nothing to do a night.

Solis: Well you could always sleep.

Voltaic: I just woke up from Luna knocking me out. I might not even think about sleep until a couple hours.

Solis: Yeah, your right.

Solis: You also know that this might mess up your sleep schedule.

Voltaic: Eh, who cares about sleep schedules. I just go to sleep whenever I feel like.

Solis: Ok, you do you.


Voltaic: Wait, you said that Umbreon's usually stay up at this hour.

Solis: Yeah, I did say that.

Voltaic: What do you do at this time?

Solis: Honestly, I always go outside to see what I can do.

Voltaic: Don't you do stuff with the other Umbreon's.

Solis: Yeah I would, but there isn't much Umbreon's around here. Even the ones that are here aren't night owls like me.

Voltaic: On the topic of that. I never really seen you as much near the afternoon.

Solis: That's because I usually go to sleep around that time.

Solis: Around 4 pm is where I sleep but I only go longer on special occasions.
Like that movie night we did 5 months back.

Voltaic: Oh cool, we should've done more things like that more often.

Solis: Yeah, more bonding time with the other Eeveelutions around here.

Voltaic: Talking about Eeveelutions, do you know why Biscuit hasn't been in a lot of these chapters.

Solis: I think Spoon just forgot.

Voltaic: Wait, isn't Biscuit raised by another family.

Solis: Yeah, after a couple years of Biscuit living with us, we've found his parents.

Solis: Not gonna lie, it was kinda sad seeing him go.

Voltaic: Don't we take care of him every while.

Solis: Yup.

Voltaic: Nice.

Voltaic: Also, what's with Luna and Aurora.

Solis: Oh them, their just my childhood friends. I met Aurora right after I met Luna.

Voltaic: You and Luna seem really close, what about Aurora?

Solis: Aurora was the new Eevee around, I don't really know how she got here but im glad she met us.

Voltaic: Oh that was her?

Solis: Hm?

Voltaic: I did hear about a Eevee joining this town for unheard-of reason but I didn't know it was going to be her.

Solis: Yeah, we did ask where she came from but she always got nervous and never answered the question.

Voltaic: Craz- ( yawn ). Damn, all of this talking has gotten me tired.

Solis: That's what happens sometimes.

Voltaic: K, I'ma go to bed.

Solis: Ok. Cya in the morning.

Voltaic: Cya- ( yawns ).

The past can seem unforgettable.

The future can be inevitable.

You can still change your future while your past stays with you.

You can choose to forget the past, but there's always more to come in the future.

Something, that's unavoidable.

Something that may change your life forever.

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