5- cut to the help

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The following day I had a night shift meaning I didn't have to go in until nine that evening. This meant I was allowed a lovely lie in that morning, all the way until eleven, when I reluctantly got up and dragged myself into the shower. A long hot shower was exactly what I needed to start the day, especially after some of the not safe for work dreams that plagued my mind last night, all starring her.

Once I left my shower, I wrapped my body and hair in towels and turned off my music, heading back into my room to get dressed. Nothing too exciting, just a basic blouse and black trousers. Spray on some perfume and headed to my mirror. My hair got loosely brushed and tossed to the side, I'll style it later.

My stomach grumbled so headed into the kitchen, by this point it was past midday. I may as well make lunch for myself. I put on some music and start to grab out a plate and knife. Subconsciously humming as I moved from one part of the kitchen to another. I didn't pay as much attention to my movements as I should have, too busy singing along to my music and thinking of her. I hadn't noticed that I was making a ham and tomato sandwich, which she had had the previous day.

"I'm in a field of dandelions, wishing on everyone that you'd be mine- ow!"

The knife slipped as I was cutting the tomatoes slicing through my thumb, jagged and deep. Wonderful.

I rushed over to the kitchen sink running cold water over the injury, flinching when the water came a bit too sharp. I realised that wasn't helping so I searched my cupboards for something to wrap the wound with. Nothing. How do I not have anything? I work in a hospital for gods sake. I applied pressure onto the cut and waited for ten minutes for it to stop. It didn't. great, not I have to go to the hospital. So much for not having to go to work until nine. I grab a clean cloth and wrap my thumb and throw on some shoes before leaving the house. Driving was a bit uncomfortable, but I managed, parked my car and header inside. It wasn't as busy as I expected, but I don't keep my hopes up high for it remaining that way during my shift.

"Dr Kate?" I heard Dr Cuddy call as I walked through the main lobby, "I didn't think your shift started until tonight?"

I turn to face her with a smile, "It doesn't, but I cut my thumb", I lift my hand, "And it wont stop bleeding, so came to grab a bandage of sorts"

She chuckled and waves my off as she heads to her office.

I duck through nurses and doctors who are trying to work and head into an empty clinic room. I start looking through the drawers for an appropriately sized bandage.

"Do you need help?"

I jump around and successfully bump my head on a cupboard. In my rush to get my thumb sorted I hadn't noticed her stood in the room looking at a file.

"God, you scared me", I breathe out, rubbing my head, "I didn't realise you were in here."

She had started walking towards me, with her hand out stretched. I just stared at her, not wanting to move. She gently grabbed my injured hand, turning it over so my palm rested in hers. My breath hitched.

"What happened?" she quietly asked.

"Slipped with a knife" was all I managed to get out. I didn't trust myself to speak any more than necessary.

She led my to the patient bed carefully by the hand and set to removing the cloth I had lazily tied there. She made a small sound of disapproval at the injury, before turning to find antiseptic and clean bandages. I watched as she flowed around the room, gracefully bending down to reach lower cupboards and stepping on her tip-toes to reach up high. She was gorgeous doing the most basic of tasks. I could watch for hours on end. When she had gotten all she needed she came back over to me with a smile. She clasped my hand in hers again and dapped at it with the anti-septic. The sting made me flinch and I squeezed her had without much thought. Squeezing back she carried on her the cleaning before turning to the bandage to her left. She wrapped it around with so much ease and care I almost forgot about the pain. Once she was finished she let go of my hand and offered me a smile.

"Are you better now?" she chuckled.

I nodded dumbly and smiled. Wow I'd fallen hard.

She laughed again, "How hard did you bump your head?"

At that I laughed, "Not that hard"

I stood up off the bed and turned to face her, not want wanting the conversation to end , I asked, "How's work been today?"

"It's been quite stressful, but House managed to cure the kid, so that's good. I finish in ten minutes, I just came down here to finish some of House's paperwork. Then I'm going to grab some food, I'm starving!" She finished her sentence with a smile, and turned to me once again.

"I need to grab something to eat too, I didn't get chance as I managed to cut myself making my food. I'll probably go to the café down the street" I looked up at her again, "Care to join me?"

Where did that come from? Where did my confidence come from?

"Sure! Just let me finish packing up my things." She eagerly answered.

Watching her swiftly move around gathering her things before heading to the door was more enjoyable than it should've been. She held the door open for me and we walked to the locker room for her to grab her belongings.

Once she had everything she needed we headed out, waving goodbye to Cuddy, who gave us a strange look, obviously not expecting our friendship.

Well, in her defence, neither did I.

We got into my car and small talk ensued on the way to the café.

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