6- platonic kiss

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Arriving at the café we made our way to a small table hidden away in the corner, she stood so close our arms were brushing the entire way. I could smell her perfume from where I was and it was intoxicating in the sweetest way. When she sat down opposite me I watched as her eyes travelled around the room in appreciation. It was quiet, the main rush of people grabbing their lunch had gone and all that remained was a few elderly couples and university students on their laptops. It was perfect for us to stay without interruption. Looking through the laminated menu we each decided on our meal and I got up to go order despite Cameron's protest, while up there I decided it would be easiest to pay for both tabs.

Towards the far end of the counter I could see a younger couple talking and laughing, and just further over I could see there were an older couple doing the same. I got back to the table and smiled, "I've already paid, it was easier".

Now I was saying it out loud it seemed silly. She didn't seem to mind, with her smile and pink cheeks. She blushed a lot.

I had noticed, through my time from admiring from afar, she was very soft with patients, a very sweet personality, but she was very stubborn with that boss of hers. She continued to look at me, and thanked me for it.

"Anytime," I smiled with a wink.

Her cheeks reddened when she realised what I had done, it was simply adorable. We fell into a gentle conversation. Our food arrived shortly after, and our conversation faded out as we ate quietly. A comfortable silence settled around us and before we knew it we had finished our food.

"You have something, um, there," Cameron leant forward, tissue in hand and wiped off a bit of sauce from the corner of my mouth. I momentarily froze before dipping my head down. Comfortable conversation came back easily and we stayed there for another hour.

When we let I still had a few hours before I needed to head home to get ready for work so we walked around the local park. We laughed quite a bit, pushing each other in a joking manner, acting like teenagers again. It was nice to ac childish again, the jobs we have require us to be professional In a way that makes us loose some of the childishness we all posses.

As the sun started to set, I checked the time to see it was nearing half six, we had been out for hours. And I needed to get everything ready for work. We agreed to meet up again another time and exchanged numbers. We walked back to the car and I drove her back to her place, the ride was peaceful and we arrived at her house.

"Have a good night, I'll see you at work" I smiled.

Before I had time to comprehend, she leaned over and placed a seemingly platonic kiss on my cheek, "You too". And with that she got out the car and walked towards her house.

I sat in my driver's seat for a few minutes before snapping back to reality and drove myself home.

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