Chapter 9: I'm Starting To Hate Titles

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Elliot stood in front of the church, he smiled seeing the structure in its clean state. Azaroth stood outside holding the entire glass panel, Elliot attempted to make the picture out but groaned as it was still blurry. Azaroth held the glass pane and grinned at it.

What month is it and how many more left before the loop begins?

The huge doors opened and out came Castiel. He waved at Azaroth and approached him.

"Finally going to teach me what's magic all about? You did promise after the church was built." Castiel beamed gleefully, he looked at the church with pride.

"I will... and thanks for building a church for the human village nearby. The angels might've forgotten this part of the forest."

"No problem! So do we start now?!" Castiel vibrated in excitement.

"We can't practice here dummy, let's go to my tent."

The world swirled and made Elliot dizzy yet again. The surroundings changed and they were in the camp. He watched as Castiel would entertain the kids with their questions and acted very friendly to the demons. After several minutes of answering mini-interviews, they finally entered the tent. Azaroth gently placed his glass panel down on a table. He took his time preparing for whatever they were supposed to do.

Castiel poked around and saw a paper with Azaroth's name, he proceeded to read it out loud. "Azaroth, Baron of Justice, the Divine Flame of Magick, the Eminence of Sorcery... Is that really your full name?"

"Why yes, I acquired many titles in my journey of practicing magic.

"Why are demon names so complicated?"

"And why are angel names so boring and simple?" Azaroth quipped. "We have class. And for the record, your kind only has one name. Pretty dull if you ask me."

Castiel ignored Azaroth's teasing and wandered to the bookshelves. He was particularly interested in one, so he opened it and started reading the ingredients of a 'spell'. Azaroth couldn't help but laugh at his pronunciations of demon dialect. "Unicorn Trifle, Manticore Toast, Luzicuri Cake, Ikkiayote Bread? What spells are these?"

"You idiot, that's a cookbook."

"What! It said—oh the magic to brewing up the perfect dish..." Azaroth laughed louder and Elliot couldn't help himself and snorted. "Damn titles," Castiel muttered under his breath.

"Put the book back and let us begin." He turned around and cleared his throat, Castiel obliged and returned the book. "Take a seat," he flicked his wrist and various books from the shelves flew to the table. "There are different types of magic. Well-known ones are summoning, sealing, mind, ancient, and many more. What is your reason for seeking out magic?"

"I wanted to learn more about everything! Angels don't really have intensive information about demon magic. So you know, I became your friend."

Azaroth smirked, "in short, you could just tell me you're applying to be my second student."

"Oh shut up."

Elliot, being their third unseen student, sat down the entire lecture as Azaroth went into excruciating detail explaining every magic type. He was all ears in, shallowly hoping that he could learn about the time loop.

Summoning spells were to summon anything that would have a given mark by the caster. It's used for close friends or allies who can call one another at any given time. Sealing was self-explanatory. While mind magic tapped into subjects like dreams and illusions. And lastly ancient magic.

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