Chapter 16: A New Era

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December 15, 00XX

Elliot stood in front of heaven's gates. He waited for time to pass so he could sneak out.

A massive bellowing thunderclap exploded from up above, a gigantic crack ran through the sky, and lightning flashed all around him. The quaking shook the very foundations of his body. He'd never seen anything like it before; he couldn't even comprehend what was happening.

Then just like that, it disappeared. The thunderclap ceased, the crack vanished, and the lightning faded away. Elliot looked up at the sky and saw nothing but clear blue skies above him.

What was that?

He looked around, panicked, for any sign of danger or threat, but there was none. His angel companions continued on as if nothing had happened.

Surprised, he turned back to see Lieutenant Caelum standing at the stadium, beginning his speech. Angels gathered around, listening. No way—how did that even...? He gulped and proceeded to join the crowd. Caelum cleared his throat. Behind him, Elliot saw the lieutenants and captains standing in attendance.

"My fellow angels, we are gathered here today to witness the first act of a new era in which we have a new goal: to free the humans. It is time for them to return to our home and begin anew. To enlighten them and bring their lives into harmony with ours. The demons were once great allies who brought us all together. But in recent events, they have turned on us. Forsaken us. And so it is time that we turn on them. We shall use our almighty power blessed by the light to dispel all evil and save those who suffer." Caelum summoned his sword. "And now, with this sword, I shall sever the ties between the demons and our own kind. With my blade, I cut off their ties, thus destroying them forever." He raised the sword high over his head.

The angels cheered on, and Elliot's stomach lurched as he realized what would happen. Time broke, and the captains and lieutenants taught the light spell in a blink of an eye. Angels were immediately sent down from the sky.

Elliot was horrified. His mind jumped straight to Ythyr. He needed to warn him and demand an explanation. Thinking fast, he went directly to Captain Adrianne.

"I'll join the cause." Elliot lied. She ran him through the spell, and once he got it, he was approved.

He flew down in a frenzy.


Elliot almost crashed into the tree.

"Ythyr!" He shouted. Ythyr ran up to him. "You need to get out of here! I don't understand; the angels—Caelum—suddenly declared war and began to free humans while we were asleep!"

"There's nothing you can do. It's already starting."

"What's starting?"

"Every time the third week starts, I pass out. I can't stop it. It's the loop."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?! This would've been useful a while ago!"

"It happens..."

"What kind of explanation is 'it happens'?"

"Look, I'm sorry I forgot to tell you yesterday. It would've stopped you from freaking out... Even if I did, you wouldn't be able to stop it. I've tried Elliot; it happens too fast."

"There could've been another way! What about the shards?"

"Look around. Since when did anything absolutely significant happen once we started shard-hunting? Only a few places appeared, nothing too big to throw the loop yet," Ythyr exhaled. "Stay calm and go back to find the last shards. I'll do my best and hold out for as long as I can."

"Then ward this place, and I'll find the shards as quickly as possible!"

Elliot turned around but Ythyr grabbed his arm. "Stay safe, alright?"

"Always will. Who else will stop the loop with you?"

Elliot waited to see if the coast was clear before he left.


The training grounds haven't been empty in a long while. The angels who still remained stuck around training, practicing their strength. Elliot sighed. This place was too big—the shard could be anywhere!

"There's no way I can find it that quick." He fidgeted and remembered the training dummies. The angels were stupid enough to pay no mind to Elliot destroying them, so he took his time and dismantled each one until they were nothing but straw.

He suppressed a gasp as the shard appeared and landed on the ground with a soft thud. He ran over to it and scooped it in his hands. He looked around to see if anyone saw then hid it away. He continued to the next location.


The meeting room wasn't a jolly sight. It was empty save for the maps and plans laid out on the table; more marks were there than last time.

Where would the shard be in this place?

Elliot calmed his racing heart and turned every map over, looking for any clue. He checked the chairs, the windows, and even the door. Nothing.

"This is hopeless. It's probably hidden somewhere obvious."

Elliot took a deep breath and started pacing around the room.

The general's seat.

The chair where the man who'd led them here sat.

Elliot grabbed the chair and pulled it away from the desk, hoping that something might be inside. As he moved it aside, he found a small box on top of it. Elliot reached down and picked it up.

"Aha!" Elliot exclaimed.

Inside the box was the shard itself. And a necklace.

Elliot held the necklace in his hands and looked at it closely. It was made of gold, with intricate designs engraved onto it. He recognized this as one of Azaroth's horn jewelry pieces.

He was saddened when he realized what he was holding.

"I'm so sorry. I'll make things right," Elliot said softly.

Elliot put the necklace back and closed it. He returned the box back into the seat and left the room.


He rushed to his room and locked the door. He took the two pieces out and put them together, then everything went to black.

Words: 956

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