Chapter 17: Shattered Heart

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Elliot stood in a familiar forest. This place is near the church and camp. A sudden commotion caught his attention, and he went straight to the source. He jumped after seeing another Elliot pass him and cautiously approached a figure, Castiel.

"Lieutenant," Memory Elliot spoke, raising his sword in warning, "put him down. You're going to hurt him."

He stepped forward, but Castiel tightened his hold on the demon, and Elliot had to stop. Castiel's glare bore into both of them. He muttered something about freeing humans and how demons were filthy.

"But humans..."

Real Elliot gasped as he saw Victor's eyes and mouth glowing.

"Stop this! You're breaking the angel-demon contract and endangering lives!"

"Oh, Elliot," The angel laughed. "I thought you would understand...."

The demon took the opportunity and shot a spell at Castiel. But the angel was too fast for it. Castiel deflected the attack with ease and threw the demon across the clearing. He didn't notice that he maneuvered the spell directly at Elliot.

Memory Elliot didn't react in time and got hit square in the head. His eyes rolled up, and he fainted.

Real Elliot cursed himself as he realized what had happened.

Castiel glared at the shocked demon. Loud rustling in the bushes diverted their attention, and out popped Zaila. She widened her eyes at Elliot's unconscious body.

"What happened here?" she asked.

Castiel looked at Elliot, who was still out cold on the ground. He pointed to the demon. "It was the demon's fault! It attacked him! I was saving the human, and suddenly it came after me!"

Zaila moved out of instinct and ignored the human. She jumped straight at the demon and pinned him to the ground. Her sword rested against his neck.

"You will pay for your crimes!" she yelled.

The demon struggled and protested until he gave up and let loose a long, drawn-out scream. After Zaila neutralized it, she turned her head towards Victor.

"Zaila, I saved this human. They're a little different, but I'm going to take him to heaven."

"Why is he like that?"

"It's our angel light providing him a calm life without any stress or worries. We don't want him to feel pain anymore, so we'll keep him safe."

Zaila didn't dare to question Lieutenant Castiel, her own curiosity and naive trust getting the best of her. More angel backup arrived and picked up Elliot's body. They left with the demon, and real Elliot fumed.

"No. Castiel, that damn liar."


Elliot reeled in disgust watching Castiel use Victor as a circus animal to show off his wicked plans. More lies fell out of his mouth, drawing the unfortunate with his sweet words. He framed the demon for his actions and told everyone about his massive plan.

He demonstrated Victor, who sat in silence, living his life in a dream. The angels were easily fooled by the false task and goal of righteousness. Castiel went even as far as to call this the creator's plan.

He told them that the humans reacted kindly to the light while the demons burnt and died.

"The truth was under our noses along. Why did we fall for them? Our powers are supreme. We should have known that they could not defeat us. We can save these humans and return to the world as it once was," Castiel smiled. "I can teach you all the spells, secrets, and enchantments you'll ever need."

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