🌱Chapter 6🌱

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~Update day!!!
This chapter was the most interesting one to write
*sorry if there are any spelling or grammar errors*

The walls in his office space seemed to be closing in, Doyoung sat in his cubicle, his eyes sunken sleep deprivation evident in his face, his hair wasnt in its near style. Looking at the picture that had his friends he looked sadly at Ten and Mark.
"What am I gonna do?" he asked himself putting his head down on his desk.
"Doyoung hyung are you okay you don't look so good" Jungwoo asked carefully, not wanting to bother him.
"Huh? W-why wouldn't I be okay?" Doyoung said smiling lightly, his tired eyes crinkling.
"You look sleepy" jungwoo said handing Doyoung a banana milk.
"I didn't sleep last night, something was bothering me" Doyoung replied taking the banana milk and poking it with the straw taking small sips.
"Why couldn't your friend beat me in the marketing competition?" he mumbled lowly. Jungwoo looked at him confused.
"What was it hyung-" Jungwoo asked but was interrupted.

"Doyoung! You are needed by someone" their manager announced and everyone looked at Doyoung who caught sight of who was looking for him.
"Oh fuck" he whispered.
Walking out of the office, he saw a very familiar face, the person then motioned to the elevator to which Doyoung reluctantly got on.

The ride in the elevator was the most awkward thing Doyoung has encountered, looking everywhere but the person he was with he started to admire the numbers rising.
"So how's life?" the brunette spoke up trying to fill the awkward silence.
"No offense but don't talk to me" Doyoung replied but then added "wait you know what take offense"
The other person laughed a bit but composed themselves fairly quickly.
"Well Doyoung it was nice seeing you and your buddies at the gala" the brunette said looking at Doyoung.
"Can't say the same, Jaehyun" Doyoung replied venom in his voice, his eyes sharp.
Both men walked out of the elevator after hearing a ding signaling the arrival to their destined floor.
Once in front of the wooden doors, Doyoung took a deep breath, knowing what was waiting for him on the other side, straightening his suit he waited for Jaehyun to open the door. Jaehyun knocked on the door and soon a deep voice answered. "Come in"

Doyoung took a deep breath and walked in after Jaehyun, he looked at the office, and his eyes finally landed on the man sitting on a desk. Doyoung felt anger rush through his veins.
"Mr.Suh, this is Kim Doyoung from the marketing department" Jaehyun motioned to Doyoung.

Doyoung watched as the tall figure got up from their chair and walked directly in front of him, a smile spread on their lips.
"Hi Doyoung, long time no see" the taller man said outstretching his hand.
"Mr. Suh.....Can I drop the formalities or do I have to be nice to you" Doyoung asked hating having to call the other formally.
"Sure, we are all friends here" was the reply.

"Look here Youngho, we are not friends, I wouldn't want to be friends with the likes of you second I wish I hadn't seen you. And most importantly What do you want." Doyoung said his voice icy chilled, his eyes dark.
"It's Johnny now.....I want your help" Johnny asked and Doyoung made a grunt of annoyance.
"Me ? Help you? Don't play yourself" Doyoung replied rolling his eyes and crossing his hands.
"Told you he wouldn't budge" Jaehyun whispered to the taller, but Doyoung heard either way.
"Look Doyoung, I want to know we're Chittaphon is" Johnny said straightforward his hands balled up into fists.

"I knew this was coming but was I prepared no" Doyoung thought, he wasn't one to back down from a fight, looking Johnny in the eye he replied, "Chittaphon who? I don't know anyone by that name."
"Doyoung don't play games with me. I know you know who I'm talking about. I can give you anything you want. Just tell me where he is." Johnny said his voice sounding edgy.

"You want me to rat out my friend? You are indeed insane, no amount of money or position will persuade me to do that. Especially to the likes of you." Doyoung replied his eyes set on Johnny who stared back. Johnny laughed a bit and looked at Doyoung.
"So you do know who I'm talking about"
Doyoung just stood there frozen in place, his mind trying to wrap around what he just said to Johnny.
"I'm taking my leave back to my office space" Doyoung said before walking out slamming the door.
"Frick frick frick! Can this get any worse?!"

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