Headcan0ns pt.2

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This is headcanons of what Carmen and Gray did in Australia .

-Carmen stayed at Gray's place when she was there and yes those two slept together . Carmen thought it was because Gray did not want her to get nightmares . That was one reason why Gray asked that but the other one was because he wanted to sleep beside her .

-During their mission , Carmen almost got herself killed . Gray gave her a lecture but that just made Carmen laugh .

-Carmen and Gray used to go to the cafe every afternoon . There was a blonde girl who had a crush on Gray and tried so hard to impress him by her looks . She looked cute of course but beside Carmen she looked ... fine . She tried really hard but Gray's eyes were always on Carmen .

-Gray took a selfie of him and Carmen and sent that to Trey . And Trey got so angry and jealous that he broke his own car .

-Carmen stayed there with Gray for 2 week and then went back to Argentina . After she did , she got a dream in which Carmen and Gray kissed . She did not understand it first but when the kids in the orphanage were watching cinderella , she realized she was in love with him . ( I'll write a group chat about it ).

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