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Teju and adaa's home ---

As soon as teju entered her home, she kicked out the heels of her feet and directly dived into sofa of living room.

Around 2 hours later her phone started to buzz, teja fumbles upon her purse drowsily to find the phone and finally picks up her phone after 3rd call!.

Teja ( drowsily) - " Hello. Who's there? "

Adaa - Teja it's me adaa. Have you reached home?

Teja - yeah I reached home (yawning)

Adaa - "So how was your interview? Did your studio got selected by the company? "

Teja (instantly sits up n grumbles) - "Don't talk about that interview. There was no such thing as interview. It was just wastage of time. "

Adaa - " Oh! I thought we could go outside for dinner today but it looks like you are not in mood. Anyway let's just forget it. "

Teja- " Yeah I am really not in the mood. Let's reschedule dinner to some other day ."

Adaa - " Are you sure? Because I was going to pay for dinner today. It's fine of you don't want to. "

Teja (instantly) -" No wait . You are going to pay so I'm in. Let's go to my favorite restaurant then. I'll be ready by 7 . Ok byyy" (Cuts off the phone)


Adaa (looking at the disconnected phone with a smile) - I knew that food could cheer you up at any given point!


Teju looks at the time in her phone - "oh it's 2 already. "

Teja's stomach grumbles...

Teja - " There is so much time left for dinner. Let's go and see what can I have for lunch. "

Saying this she stands up  from sofa and went towards kitchen...


Starts entertainment company-

President's office -

Karan was sitting in his chair holding the documents with one hand and holding the pen with another focussing completely on it.

Suddenly a knock in the door brings him back to reality.....

Karan (still looking at documents) - " Come in"

Omi (comes inside) - Sir about the information of the girl you asked about this morning. We found about it.

Karan finally raises his head and fixed eyes towards omi asking him to continue...

Omi - " Sir her name is tejasswi. She was the assistant of an interviewee for designer post for our next show. "

Karan just says "oh " hinting him to continue...

Omi understood his hint and continues - "But she and her boss did not got a chance to be interviewed as payal was decided as our designer even before the interview. "

Karan( slightly annoyed) - "Who was that idiot to decide the designer without the interview. Is this how you guys work? "

Omi (coughs) - "But sir it was your order to select her as our designer"

Karan instantly becomes silent for about five minutes..

"You idiot" - Karan mutters slowly under his breath..

Omi - " Sir you said something to me? "

Karan - " Send that palak or payal whatever her name is to any of our subsidiary company and go and sign tejasswi and her designing studio. "

Omi ( slightly shocked) - Sir but we have already signed the u

Karan (waving his hand) - "You can go now "

Omi - " Okay sir. I'm leaving " With this Omi starts to go towards the door.

Suddenly he realizes something and he turns back - " Also sir the resume of that girl was left. I think it falk down  by mistake "

Karan - " You can leave it in my table and then leave"

Omi respectfully kept the resume in karan's table and swiftly runs back from his office.

After 5 min Karan slowly picks up the resume and smiles slightly.

In the resume there was a photo of a young girl of about 19 or 20 age. Looking at the silly smile of that girl in the photo Karan felt his heart fill with love...

"Finally I found you" - Karan says softly.

"You might have forgotten about me but I have never forgotten you . Finally I found you. "

With this he gave a final look at the picture in portfolio and kept it in his drawer.


Adaa and teja's home.

Teja was getting ready for dinner  she was almost ready but she couldn't find her earing. She had searched the whole home but was not able to find the earing.

A bit annoyed she calls adaa -
Adaa instantly picks up the phone - " Yes teja. Are you ready. I'm about to reach home in 20 minutes. "

Teja - " Adaaaa. Have you seen my pearl earrings. I couldn't find it anywhere in the house . I have almost searched the whole house but I am not able to find them. "

Adaa (massaging her head) - Teja did you saw it in the last drawer of the dressing table in your room. I remember telling you that your all favorite jewellery are there. "

Teja ( instantly realization hurts) - "oh shit! Yeah, I just remembered. Thank you so much adaa. I love you so much baby. "

Adaa - "Stop being all mushy. Go and get ready."

With this adaa cuts off the phone...

Teja smiles looking at the phone and then make her way towards her room .

She founds the earrings exactly at the place adaa told her about.

Getting all ready she sat down on the sofa waiting for adaa to pick her phone.

Her phone suddenly rings..

Thinking that it was a call from adaa, teja instantly picks up the phone without reading name...

Teja - " Adaa what will I do without you? I found the earrings. When are you reaching home? "

Anjali - " Teja are you sleepy? It's me anjali!

Teja realises that she addressed the wrong person, she instantly apologizes and asks for the reason of the call of anjali..

Anjali ( cheerfully) -" Teja we have got the contract with stars company "

Teja ( confused) - "But how? Isn't some payal was signed? "

Anjali - " About that I don't have any idea but yeah our studio is going to work with stars company, so now you will continue working for our studio."

"You are no more a part time worker, now you are full time worker" - Anjali

Teja - "That's a very good news then mam. So you called me for giving this news only? "

Anjali ( slightly annoyed) - "What do you mean by just this news? Do you know how important this is for our studio. "

Teja -" yeah mam . I know about it. I was just careless. "

Anjali - " So tomorrow reach the studio by 12 noon. We have to discuss about a draft that we have to present to stars company. "

Teja (realizing the reason of call) - " Okay mam. I'll reach in time. "

Anjali- "Okay that's it for now then. I'm hanging up. "

With this Anjali hanged the phone...

As soon as the phone got disconnected teja heard the honking sound of adaa's car. Teja looks outside through window and could see adaa so teja immediately let go of other thoughts.

With this she picks up her purse and exits the home ......

Ps - tell me about your views 🥺❤

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