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 Chapter Thirteen:

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Chapter Thirteen:

"Eunseo, look at daddy" Jungkook said as he tries to grab his daughter's attention. The baby turns her head and smiles at her daddy. You chuckle, seeing how adorable your two babies are with each other. "Did you grab everything you need, love?" Jungkook asked. "I think so. I can't believe it's our anniversary today. Three years together" you said, making him smile. "It means our love is so stronger. No one can pull us apart. Right, Eunseo?" Jungkook asked. She nods, making your husband kiss her puffy cheeks. "Oh! I just remember I need to get more clothes for Eunseo. She's growing so fast" you said. "Let's go, then" he said yet you remembered something else. "Milk! We need milk" you said, making Jungkook sigh. "We will be right back. Stay here" he said as he walks off with Eunseo in his arms.

You stood still, waiting for them to come back with the milk. "(Y/N)?" you turn around to see a young man with blue hair. You tilt your head, confused how this man knows your name. "Thank god I found you! For a minute, I was the only one here. We should go now. I think i found a way out of here" he grabs your hand yet you pull away. "Do I know you?" You asked. "It's me, Yeonjun!?! Don't you remember me? I helped you get out of this game. Don't tell me you forgot?" He asked. "I don't get what you're saying. I should go now" you tried to leave yet he stopped you. "Prince Jungkook has already manipulated you..." he said. "Prince? He's not a prince. But how do you know him?" You asked. He leans towards your face to see something in your eyes. "He put a spell on you. Thank goodness, I'm a Wizard. Close your eyes" Yeonjun places his hands on your head and starts casting a spell. All of the memories the spell blocked came rushing in.

Once he is done, he opens his eyes to see you crying. "Yeonjun" you mumbled and hugged him tightly. "I'm so glad you're back" he hugs you back. "Y-You need to go now" you said. "What? Why?" He asked "I-I'm..." before you could say anything, someone grabbed your wrist and pulled away from Yeonjun. "What are you doing with my wife?" His eyes widened when he saw Jungkook holding a baby. "What did you say to make my wife cry?" Jungkook's eyes darkened. "I-" you grab your husband's hand and wipe your tears. "He just told me that he sees us living a long and happy life together. That's all and it just got me a bit teary" you lied, hoping he will believe you. A huge smile appeared on his face. "Of course we are. I won't let anyone ruin our lives" he kisses your forehead. "Thank you, young man. Love, we should go home now. Eunseo needs to take her nap" he tells you. You nod and look back at Yeonjun who was still shocked to see a baby. "Thank you again," you said, before Jungkook drags you away.

Yeonjun shook his head once he saw the two of you disappeared. 'Wife? He erased her memories to be with her and made a huge lie to cover it. Too bad your plan just got ruined. I won't let history repeat it again. Prince Jungkook you're going down again. This time you have no control of this game. There's no way for you to win this time' Yeonjun said as he turns around and walks away. However someone saw what went down. A smirked appeared on their face as they watch Yeonjun walk off. "Well isn't this getting interesting"


You rushed into the bathroom, throwing up. 'Im disgusting...im disgusting...' you thought. You felt so  disgusted with yourself for letting him manipulate you again. He erased your memories in order to have you believe he was lover. He made you love him and ended up marrying him. That monster made love to your body and got you pregnant with his child. "Are you okay, love? Should I call Jisoo?" He walks inside the bathroom. You continue to vomit, hearing him call you that. You couldn't believe you lived with him for almost three years now. "N-No...im fine" you managed to say. Jungkook grabs a towel and tries to wipe off your face yet he saw you flinch before you did. "Are you sure you're okay?" Jungkook asked and you nodded. "I-I'm just tired" you lied. "Get some rest then. I will watch over our baby" he suddenly lifts you up and places you down onto the bed. "Shout if you need anything. I will be in the living room" he kisses your forehead. Once he leaves you alone in the bedroom, you start breaking down into tears.

"You're mine, (Y/N). I fucking own you! I'm the only thing keeping you safe from a filthy, disgusting world! You love me and only me! No one else can love you the way I can!" those sentences have always stuck with you after you got out of the game. He ruined you so much. You panic every time a person complements you, thinking Jungkook will come out and kill them. He was right when he said no one else can love you the way he does. After you left the hospital, you would cry yourself to sleep, regretting of leaving him. Your parents knew something was off. You still loved the person who destroyed your life so they had you go to therapy. That's when they found out you were suffering from Stockholm syndrome. Even with treatment, deep down you know he will forever be in your head.

Eventually you fell asleep from crying so much. In your dream, you saw someone by a tree. Your eyes widened when you saw Yeonjun. "Yeonjun!?!" you shout. He turns around and smiles. "Thank god, it worked. I was so worried it won't" he said. "Don't worry, Jungkook can't hear us. We are in your dream. There is no way from him to get in. Now, tell me what's going on. Why are you with him? Whose baby is that?" Yeonjun asked. "H-He erased my memories to make me love him. W-We're married and the baby is ours" you confessed. Yeonjun's eyes widened. "We're gonna leave. I think I found a way out of here" he said. "Soobin!" You shout. "He and Hoseok are here too. You need to go get them!" You place your hands on his shoulders. "What about you? I cant leave you here with that monster" Yeonjun said.

"Can you see if he has harmed/killed anyone?" you asked him. He was confused at first but still did his magic to check. "It seems like he hasn't. Why did you ask?" Yeonjun was getting a bad idea. "Come back for me once you have them. I-If he hasn't h-hurt/ killed anyone yet, it means h-he wouldn't hurt me. As long as I-I continue to l-love him" you shiver. "No I won't allow you to stay with him" he said. "If I go, he will start to kill and he will use our daughter as a way to get me back" you said. "(Y/N), the baby is not real! We are in a video game. She's a fictional character just like Jungkook and the others. Don't get attach" Yeonjun said. He's right. Eunseo is not real. She's not your real daughter. She is just a character from a game. "Still, you go look for them. They are probably in Jeju" you responded. "Are you still thinking of staying here with him? After what he did to you and your mental health?" He asked. "We both have no idea what this world will do to us. This isn't the same game i was stuck in. It's different. Way different. If you don't want me to stay here longer, go find Soobin and Hoseok. I will be waiting for you to come" you said. Yeonjun sighs as he disappears.

After a few hours, you woke up from your nap and smelled something good coming outside the room. You got up from the bed and walked out to see your so called husband, cooking. He turns around and smiles. Jungkook walks over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "You look better. Do you still feel sick?" He asked, looking down at your eyes. "I'm fine" you rest your head against his chest. "Eunseo is in her room. She's probably up from her nap too" he said and you hum in response. "What's wrong, love?" Jungkook asked, cupping your cheeks. "I-I just love you so much" you said. Your husband smiles and leans down. "I love you too" he connects his lips with yours.

'I'm so dirty...disgusting...why did I have to be the one suffer...why did you have to ruin me...im so tired. you're always in my head,
jeon jungkook'

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