Chapter One

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The Illusion – Chapter One

Queen finally arrives at the café to meet with Denise. She’s dressed in red high heels, tight ripped designer jeans, a black tank top, short red leather jacket, sporting a red and black purse and designer sunglasses.

Her beauty, pizazz, perfume and free flowing hair caught every guy’s attention who had eyes to see and a nose that could smell. People couldn’t help but to stare, some were scared to speak and some were speechless because she was so stunning and appeared to be fearless!

Denise seemed very happy to see Queen but she was  alittle nervous and on edge. It was as if she had something to tell her but didn't know how. So Denise procrastinated by talking about their weekly girls night out plans, while desperately trying to find a way to tell Queen what she discovered a week ago, when she visited this same café alone.

Knowing that something was wrong, Queen asked Denise to tell her what was going on because she could feel that something was really bothering her.

Denise finally said yes I do have something to tell you and  just as Denise was talking, Queen noticed the new five star hotel, right across the street from the café and as Denise finished her sentence, Queen said, you know that you can tell me anything, we’re best friends! But wait, how long has that hotel been there, I didn’t know they built a new hotel across the street, from this café. I wonder if their Spa is any good.

At that moment, Queen almost choked on her cappuccino and said, wait, what! I know that’s not James coming out of there, both shocked and confused.  Denise said yes, I think that is him and it looks like he’s with two other women.

Queen then yelled: “Did that S.O.B just kiss both of them in the mouth? Oh I know he has me confused now!” He just texted me thirty minutes ago and said that he was in some kind of extensive training at work and couldn’t talk or text until later this afternoon. Now I see why! That lying piece of dung!

Denise said: “Girl shh, shh, you have to calm down. That’s what I brought you here to tell you! But you have to pull yourself together so that we can talk!” Although Queen was growing angrier and angrier every second, she agreed to remain calm and listen to Denise, while they still intriguingly watched James and the other two women, from the café window.

Although Queen was on fire with anger, she listened to Denise explain that she saw James last week coming out of the same hotel with Marla and Delta and she couldn’t believe what she saw because it seemed like he was having an affair but then she said to herself: “but that’s his mother Marla and Queen’s former foster sister Delta, from when her parents fostered homeless and needy kids. Plus Marla has a lot of sexual encounters with different men for money, who are mostly all married; while Delta has a narcotics and an integrity problem and they are both thieves! Queen said that James told her himself about Marla and Queen knows Delta as a former foster sister, so having an affair with either of them is just dumb, even for James! Then I thought: “there’s no freaking way, that they are doing this to Queen without her knowing” and I knew that I needed to tell you somehow. I’ve actually been trying to figure out how to tell you for a whole week now, thank God that fool told on himself today! I mean, I’m sorry that you had to see this but you needed to know the truth about James and all of them.”

Queen then shook her head in disgust and quietly whispered and asked with an angry look on her face, if James was really sleeping with his own mother Marla and her former foster sister Delta, who he pretended not to know, when she introduced them recently.

Denise said hesitantly, well unfortunately, it definitely seems that way, bestie, and I’m so sorry! I also asked my other friend, who manages another one of these hotels and can access guest records and information, to check into some basic data for me and she told me in the strictest of confidence, that they frequent the hotel quite often. Sometimes it’s all three of them and sometimes its just James and one of the ladies but they definitely meet regularly. The staff even said that it doesn’t sound like they’re just talking in there, if you know what I mean!

Queen then took a long deep breath, shrugged her shoulders, finished her cappuccino and said: “so my husband James is a cheating coward and our marriage is fake, an illusion of the real thing! Only my babies are real! Ok I’m good though, thankyou Denise my sweet friend, for bringing this to my attention because now I know, and now it’s on! I wonder what else this shady S.O.B is hiding or faking about? We will see won’t we?” Queen and Denise then left the café with Queen determined and Denise relieved!

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