Chapter Five

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The Illusion - Chapter Five

The entire drive was intense because Queen ran every red light that wasn't already red, when she rolled up on it, and was made to stop for it. Thankfully, every cop seemed to be pre-occupied because she breezed through every street as if they were on a jet.

Denise was quiet as a church mouse because she was very scared and confused! Plus with all of Queen's fast driving, she almost wet herself but she knew that if she did that, Queen probably wouldn't stop, so that she could get cleaned up from that either; so her best bet was to try to hold it, until both Queen and she calmed down a bit. Just as Denise was trying to focus on holding her water and not having an accident, Queen said excitedly: "That's it Denise my sweet bestie! That's the building, right over there!" Then she circled the block and parked in the congested parking deck, directly across from the largest window on the building, where she was led to park. From that spot, she could easily see people gathering inside of the building. She then pulled into a parking space between other cars, where she could see into the building clearly but no one inside of the building could see her, her car or Denise. She was perfectly camouflaged because the building across the street had it's own private parking lot.

Queen shut her car off, took a deep breath, sighed and said out loud: "I'm here, I came, I'm parked and now I'm waiting where you led me, now what should I do?"

Denise, still in a state of shock, replied: "If you're asking me, I'm going to find a bathroom because you almost made me need a diaper back there! What the heck Queen? Please God tell me that we're not waiting on some godforsaken hit-man or something crazy like that because I'm too young and too old, to go to jail bestie! Can we please stop the weirdness now and tell me what's going on?"

Queen laughed and said: "Denise stop girl, I'll fill you in as soon as I can. Think of this like a secret black-ops mission and that we're waiting on the rest of our intel, to find out what to do next."

Denise said sarcastically: "Are there bathrooms, adult diapers or just adult accidents on secret black-ops missions, because I need to go really badly!" Queen then replied: "well they just said that you can't walk to, or go to a public restroom right now; so please just be alittle more patient." Denise looked around outside, saw an opening between some bushes, where she could be completely covered in front of the vehicle and showed Queen, shaking her legs and pointing to her stomach. Queen looked around to make sure that the coast was clear and was told that Denise could go there but to make it quick and quiet. Denise then rushed out and relieved herself, while Queen stood guard silently and hurried her along. Then they quickly and quietly, went back into the car without being seen or heard, with Queen still anxiously waiting on instructions from her guides.

Finally, after sitting there for an hour watching the building and the few people inside that Queen nor Denise recognized, cars started to arrive!

Then Queen heard her guides say in her mind: "Stay calm, no matter what you see or hear! You will see them and their activities but they will not see you or know that you can see them. Many lessons will be learned tonight! You will see much but you must only do, what you are guided to do. Denise is very special also; therefore, she will understand once she sees! She came here to help guide and protect you and your children in a human vessel but has forgotten who she is as well. She too, will begin to awaken tonight!"

Denise was snacking and watching the people enter the building when she said: "Queen oh my God! There's your boy wonder and he's walking his confused cracker-jack hiney, right in that building with some other popped eyed, fish eyed, angry looking fool with plats or braids or something like that, all over his head! Please tell me why these idiots are wearing robes? I'm just not in the mood tonight! Are you serious? What is this, some type of twisted choir reject rehearsal or something? I'm just done! Oh wow! Now I have seen it all! They invited those two clowns too? Delta the Bafoon number 1 and Marla the Bafoon number 2 and not you? You're supposed to be that ingrates wife! What is he doing? I'm very sorry that he's doing this to you and I'm very angry for you Queen, my sweet friend because you deserve so much better!"

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