Chapter Four

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The Illusion - Chapter Four

After getting a good night's sleep, cuddling together and feeling safe; Queen and the children woke up to intense itching all over their bodies, with something that looked like tiny little spiders, in the bed with them, along with other multi colored small creatures, that also looked extremely weird. Queen and the Children looked for James but strangely he had left home, without a note or any explanation and wasn't answering his cellphone. Queen knowing his secrets, said to herself: "ok, now I know that he lost his mind, because now he's bringing the children into his drama!"

Thankfully none of the critters were moving and they all seemed to be dead or frozen, but Queen and her children were still alittle startled, because they had never seen anything like them before! Queen then thought to herself, that they could not possibly be anything from this world, which means that they weren't put there by accident! At that moment, a voice came into Queen's mind and said, yes, they attacked you and your children! You are right, this was no accident! Give it back to them because this will destroy them and then call your Mother!

Queen then closed her eyes and touched each child's forehead, followed by her own; then just like that, the itching stopped immediately! The creatures and all of those who sent them, were exploded and destroyed!

Queen then touched the bed, and the rest of the entire house. Her children were amazed and said that they saw bright light, fireworks and explosions when Queen touched anything that had those creatures on, or in it, and after she finished, they all disappeared, along with all of those who were responsible for putting the critters there! After seeing the astonishing light come through Queen's eyes, hands and body, to whatever threat she looked at, touched or walked by; Queen's children understood that their Mother, was very special!

After clearing the children, herself, the house and burning the bed linen outside, followed by cleaning up the entire house, Queen called her Mother Lillia.

It was as if Lillia was waiting for Queen to call. She knew all about James, Marla and Delta! Queen said: "Why didn't you tell me, Mother?" Lillia said: "Because I can only tell you, what I'm told, when it's told to me, when I'm allowed to tell it and only to the person, that I'm told, to tell it to! Queen said: "Wait, What? Ok that's fine, I understand that you didn't know until they told you either. Ok, but Mother, they put weird critters, that aren't even from here, in our bed! They are insane!" Lillia said: "Yes it seems that they are demented but you destroyed them and their critters! Didn't you? If any of them attack again, you will destroy those attackers, as well because you were sent here for this and many other purposes!

The Creatures attacking, are well aware of this and they fully understand that their time here is over, because they are all already dead; however now they're trying to steal innocent bodies, as well as the health strength life and blood, to stay in existence but that has failed them so far, and it will continue to fail them! So baby girl, just keep listening to your guides. They are the voices that you are hearing, who are helping and guiding you!

"Wait a minute Mother!" Exclaimed Queen! "How do you know all of this? I never had the chance to tell you about them talking to me because they just started! If you know, please tell me what's going on?" Lillia said: "Sweetheart, I know because I'm fighting these crazies with you, just in another way. I'm shown, so that I can help you understand, the portion that they need for me to tell you. For instance, I believe that James, his Mother Marla and your former foster sister Delta; along with some others, that they have recruited to fight against you and all of us, were trying to see what you could do, so they attacked you and your children. When they watched you react in spirit form, invisibly or through their evil eye, they were destroyed with everything else that was attacking!

The ones who sent the attacks were wrong for trespassing and violating; therefore, they were given more than they bargained for and for some of them, they no longer exist! Anything that didn't get destroyed, lost all of their gifts, which includes their ability to go in spirit form or invisible, ever again. You made those idiot bullies, where they can never attack you, your children, me, or any of us ever again!

Specifically, your actions made them also lose the ability to raise any of their cronies up, restore, steal or use gifts from any other source ever again! They can no longer do cords, travel through or open dimensions, realms, portals, assign all seeing eyes or ears, or utilize crystal balls to spy on the innocent! They can't even do rituals, curses, spells or summon any other entities or powers to help them, which really has them angry! They can no longer use creation as a weapon, do alternate realities or put any person, place, thing or being from any world, in an illusion ever again. They basically lost everything! You did this and helped all of us, without even knowing, my sweetheart!"

Queen, still trying to process it all, told her Mother thanks for everything, that she loved her and would see her later because she needed to go, as she was being led to an address and had to get off of the phone, so that she could focus and see it clearly in her mind.

Once Queen got off of the phone with her Mother; Denise called, and said that she was coming over and abruptly hung up the phone!

Queen meditated, while waiting on Denise to come and hang out with her and while she waited on her Mother Lillia, to come watch the children, so that she could go find out where she was being led and why. Queen was quickly shown a vision of the building and an address. Shortly thereafter, Denise and Queen's Mother Lillia arrived at Queen's house! When they arrived, Queen ran out of the house, with Denise running behind her, desperately trying to keep up.

Queen's Mother told them to be careful from the front door, while Denise was jumping into the passenger side of Queen's SUV, wondering what she had missed in the last week, that led to all of this excitement and drama! Queen said: "You better put your seat belt on bestie, I'm in a hurry and I'm not playing! I'll explain everything later!" Knowing the additional information, that Denise had found out about James, that she still hasn't gotten the chance to tell Queen; she was hoping that Queen didn't find out on her own, and is now on her way to do something irrational to him! All Denise could do is, strap in and hope for the best!

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