Chapter Six

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The Illusion – Chapter Six

After making sure that Denise was comfortably settled into the guest room, instead of the living room couch that she had requested; Queen went to her bedroom and was both surprised and happy to see her children with her Mother Lillia in bed peacefully and soundly asleep! With the thunderstorm still very active, she carefully eased in the bed beside them, still desperately trying not to think about everything that she and Denise had seen earlier.

Just as Queen was drifting off into a deep sleep, there was a knock at the door but Queen thought it was her imagination, so she laid there and attempted to go back to her deepened state of sleep; when the doorbell was  rang three consecutive times, which made her get up, put on her robe and go to the window, to see if anyone was really there. “It’s the Police! Oh My God! Mom wake up!” Queen screamed frantically, with her mouth partially covered so that she didn’t wake the children. Lillia quickly woke up but was confused and couldn’t understand why Queen was so upset. Once Lillia was awake, Queen then ran to the guest room where Denise was sound asleep and said: “Get Up! The Po Po is here! I need you bestie!” Denise said “huh, ok, ok, ok! But you’re ok, you’re not a criminal or anything, you may have been married to a criminal but you can’t go to jail for marrying an idiot! Come on, let’s open the door for the nice officers.” “That’s right!” said Lillia, while shaking her head and chuckling alittle!

Then Queen, Lillia and Denise opened the door and greeted the policemen nicely but cautiously, not knowing exactly what they were going to say and asked how they could be of help to them.

The policemen explained that they needed to first identify Queen and politely asked if they could see Queen’s identification; Queen said nicely: “of course,” then excused herself so she could go and get her identification. She compliantly gave her identification to the police officers and they quickly verified Queen’s identity, followed by telling her that they had information only for her and they further asked, if it was ok for Queen’s Mother and Denise to hear the information, as it was very personal and if she preferred privacy, they wouldn’t be able to tell her, in the presence of anyone else. Queen immediately said that her Mother and Denise could definitely stay and invited the policemen inside her house out of the storm, as well as offered them coffee.

The policemen came in but only for privacy and thanked Queen for her hospitality. The one officer explained that he was actually a Detective and asked Queen to sit down. Once she sat down, he began to explain that Queen’s former husband James, James’s half brother Welton, James's mother Marla, Queen’s former foster sister Delta and Delta’s two uncle’s Wesson and Nolen along with about 35 other people, died in some kind of accident, that they were still investigating. The Detective then paused and looked at Queen with remorse and said: “We’re so sorry for your loss Ma’am.” Queen gasped for air at that moment because her guides said in her mind: “Now you know that it was all real and we are still with you, just relax, you are safe now!” She simultaneously turned to her Mother Lillia and began crying but not because they were all dead, she was angry that she was married to a monster for so long and never knew! She was also crying tears of joy because she finally began to understand that she was highly protected from all kinds of unseen and unknown dangers surrounding James and his cronies and was glad that she, her children, Mother and best friend Denise; were all safe from him, forever! Queen’s emotional reaction touched both police officers; so they paused for another second, then the Detective cleared his throat and said: “I hate to ask this, especially now but I have to do my job Ma’am. I think that I already know the answer to this question; however I must still formerly ask. Do you know anything about any cultists activities that your deceased husband may have been involved in? This might help with our investigation, so any information, no matter how small you think it is, will be appreciated. Here’s my card; if you can’t think of anything now but something comes to mind later, feel free to contact me anytime. This is my direct number to my office and cellphone. You can also text and email me. We’re here for you, if you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to let us know.”

Queen then became frozen, as if she had seen a ghost. She suddenly didn’t move or speak anymore because she saw lights that blinked very fast and went invisible, so she quickly closed and reopened her eyes; then they disappeared as if she imagined it all. She then kindly gave a half smile to the Detective, thanked him for giving her his information and for offering his support.

The Detective noticing that Queen was in a state of shock but holding up very strong, decided to tell her about the deceased bodies; however he paused once again for another second and then explained  that the bodies were being taken to the city morgue. He further asked Queen to contact the coroner’s office in the morning, so that she could properly identify the body of her deceased husband, retrieve his remains and have his body sent to a funeral home or crematory of her choice.

In addition, the Detective went on to say that they couldn’t find anyone else, to help with the funeral for James’s mother Marla, his half brother Welton, her former foster sister Delta or either of Delta’s two uncles Wesson or Nolen; therefore, the Detective asked if Queen would help with laying all of them to rest, and Queen out of kindness, agreed.

The Detective then gave Queen his condolences again, and left with the other officer. Once the police officers pulled out of the driveway, both Denise and Lillia, hugged Queen and asked if she was ok. Queen sighed, took a deep breath and said: “This may be strange but for the first time in years, I feel free! I feel, Alive Well and Free! I am, Alive Well and Free! I think they were draining and living off of me or something like that but now, I know that they’re cut off completely, it’s like they are finally disconnected from me, now and forever! I finally have my life, my body and my everything else that belongs to and with me, back! I didn’t even know that they were such parasites and draining me and my family this way, until they all died and then it stopped because they weren’t here to continue doing this anymore! I’m so thankful to be free of these covetous thieves! Now I’m going back to bed, we can sort everything else out tomorrow.”

Everyone went back to bed a bit emotional but at peace. Unable to sleep, Queen got up a couple hours later, called the coroner’s office and arranged for all of the recently deceased, without next of kin, to be cremated, just as she did for James, his mother Marla, Delta her former foster sister and Delta’s uncles, Wesson and Nolen. She asked for this to be completed asap but to give her the urns with their individual ashes in each one; and of course the coroner agreed to do so.

A few hours later, Queen was up again, she quietly got dressed, went and picked up the urns and disposed of the contents exactly how she was told and guided to do. Queen didn’t know but she was ensuring that those who died in that building, would never be brought back by any person, place, thing or being. Nor would they be able to come back spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, psychologically or any other kind of way, ever again because they were eternally destroyed and erased from all times, spaces, places, dimensions, galaxies and realms everywhere, not just on earth!

Amazingly, once she completed this, the sky turned completely black and then suddenly, it seemed as if the scenery changed and became brighter because a great burden had been removed from the world, and then, just like that, the sun came back out and was shining brighter and more beautiful than ever!

Exhausted from the previous strange and long day and night before, followed by the completion of her driving far distances to all of the different remote places that she was led to dispose of all of the deceased ashes by her guides; Queen got back in her car and passed out!

Immediately, she and her car were turned invisible, levitated and then flown to somewhere safe and even more remote. Time was stopped until she awakened, then when she was fully conscious, she was frozen in time, until she was put back in a safe and familiar looking environment, so that she could be led home.

Once home, she greeted everyone who thought that she was just out getting air, then went to her bedroom and passed out again. Lillia and Denise looked at each-other and shrugged their shoulders, not knowing what exactly was going on but happy that Queen was holding up ok and safely back home in one piece.

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