Chapter Sixteen

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"I'm almost there" Sam said to Bucky over the ear-piece.
"What's the plan?" Bucky asked.
"Karli's gotta be close. Keep your eyes open. I don't know if y/n will be with her. But for now we've gotta focus on getting the people out of there."
"And by the way, I called in some backup."
"Excuse me, sir. Are you supposed to be here?" a man came up behind Bucky, causing him to turn around. The 'man' pulled off a mask, revealing who she was. "It's me" Sharon said.
"Sharon, what the hell are you doing here?"
"Well even though she's a bitch, y/n is my cousin and I want to find her..."
"Let's not bad-mouth her when she's in danger."
Sharon had other intentions, but she did not disclose them with Bucky.
"Is that Sharon?" Sam asked.
"Unfortunately" Bucky said.
"Hey Sam, I thought I'd get the band back together."
"Thank you. You're risking a lot coming here."
"I hear pardons aren't all they're cracked up to be anyway."
"Depends on the therapist" Bucky added.
"They'll move on the building soon" Sam informed them. "Be ready."
"Okay. Remember to keep an eye out for y/n" Bucky reminded.
"Of course Buck" Sam assured him.
Karli looked up at the sky, and you followed her gaze.
There was something... someone soaring through the sky.
Sam, you thought. You were relieved.
"He's here. Do it now" Karli instructed to someone.
You looked at her in fear.
"Do what?" you questioned.
"Kill the Falcon."
"What?" you froze. You were mortified. She couldn't really want to kill Sam. "No, no, no. Why would you want to hurt Sam?!"
"I wouldn't. But there are people out there that would. And I'm not bothered to stop them."
"I can't believe I ever agreed with you" you cried.
"Whatever. Let's go" Karli grabbed your arm to pull you somewhere else.
"No... no!" you screamed.
There were red and blue lights flashing around you, so the police had to be near enough to hear...
"HELP! Somebody help me! Plea-"
Karli forced her hand over your mouth and dragged you through a door.
When you were in private, hidden away where it was less likely for anyone to hear you, Karli let go of you.
"I told you that nothing would happen to you if you co-operated. Don't make me hurt you y/n."
"Then please leave Sam alone" you sniffed through tears.
"I won't touch him. I can't stop anyone else though."
You stood still, scared to move.
Karli stood opposite you, and you watched as she slowly pulled out her phone.
She smirked as someone said something through the phone.
"Aren't you tired of fighting for the wrong side?"
Karli had locked eye contact with you as she spoke on the phone.

"Karli, where the fuck is y/n?!" Bucky yelled into the phone.
"She's right here."
"Let her go."
"I can't do that Bucky."

She was on the phone to Bucky?!
Your eyes widened at the mention of his name.
Karli seemed to almost laugh at your desperation.
You started to breathe heavily. What if Bucky was in danger now?

"Why are you doing this?"
"I'm fighting for something bigger than myself."
"Y/n has nothing to do with this."
"She's going to help me. People will listen if they know what's at stake."
"I swear to god if you lay a finger on her-"
"I won't hurt her. Unless something goes wrong."
"She's a kid."
"Then I suggest you stay out of my way."
Karli hung up.
"Damn it!" Bucky cried.
"I found the hostages. Karli has them in the basement" Sharon informed. "I don't know if y/n is-"
"Karli said y/n is with her" Bucky interrupted as he ran through the building. "We need to find her now!"

Karli had the phone still in her hand as she walked over to you.
"I'm sorry. Bucky might make things difficult, and that's not going to end well for you."
She grabbed your wrists, and broke your handcuffs in half.
"Why did you do that?" you asked.
"You don't need them."
You paused for a moment. You had no idea what she was doing.
Suddenly, you kicked Karli's stomach.
She only stumbled slightly, but she dropped the phone so she could hit you back.
You ducked and launched yourself at the ground to pick up the phone.
You picked it up and quickly slipped it in your pocket, then scrambled to your feet to run to the door.
You swung it open just as Karli grabbed you around the waist.
"You don't need them because I am faster and stronger than you, and you're not getting away" she muttered in your ear.
"No" you cried. "Please noo. SOMEBODY HELP ME!" you screamed as loudly as you could.
Karli dragged you back into the room towards a door on the other side.
She paused just before going through it.
You kept screaming and struggling, until you noticed Karli had a smirk painted across her face.
Panting heavily, you froze as there was a sudden high-pitched noise from the speakers in the room.
Your voice screamed through the system.
Karli had recorded you, and one of the other flag smashers had hacked enough speakers in the building for everyone to hear it.
It sounded again.
You were motionless, stunned by the sound of your own cry for help.
"Wha- what is this w-what are you doing?"
"You'll see."
She dragged you through the building until you were outside. She pulled you down the alleyway that you had come out in, and you ended up on the street that looked down the front of the building.
You could see people that could help you, but before you could scream there was a crash. You looked up to where it had come from and your jaw dropped with fear.
Sam was in the middle of fighting someone, when suddenly some speakers in the room crackled on.
"Y/n" he muttered to himself, standing still with shock.
"Y/n!" Sam repeated louder.
The sound distracted him from the man he was fighting.
Before he could react, the man launched himself at Sam. Sam hit the window and crashed straight through it.
"NOOOOO!" you screamed.
The world felt like it was in slow-motion as you watched Sam fall down.
You wanted to collapse onto your knees, but Karli still had a grip on you.
She pulled you away before Sam hit the ground.
You completely gave up on trying to get away. You let her take you.
You were too shocked to do anything.
You couldn't stop thinking about what just happened and also, whether Bucky was okay or not.
You were taken to a parking garage where there were a few other super soldiers waiting.
They were standing by a van and some sort of tall metal box.
You were too tired and heartbroken to do anything as they forced you to step in the box and they shut you in.
You pressed your hand weakly on the door in attempt to bang on it, but you couldn't find the strength.
There was not enough room for you to sit down, so you stood and cried.
The box was pushed over and you winced in pain as you hit your head.
You were now lying on your back, and you felt the box start to move.
The car jolted suddenly and something dug into your side. You instantly remembered that you had stolen Karli's phone.
You fumbled around, trying to reach it and pull it up to your face.
There was barely any room.
There was no password so you could easily unlock it, and you opened the phone app.
You quickly clicked on the last person that was called.
Bucky had just heard your screams over the speaker and was on his way to steal a motorbike to run after the hostages, to see if you were with them.
The phone in his pocket started ringing. It was the one he had been handed, so not his, but he kept it anyway.
He pulled it out in anger and started yelling.
"Karli! Where the fuck are you?! You have gone too far! I am going to kill you-"
"Bucky" you whispered quietly.
"Y/n? Y/n! Where are you?"
"I- I don't know. D-driving..." you cried softly.
"Okay it's okay..."
"Bucky... I'm scared."
"Everything is going to be okay, princess. I am going to find you and it will all be alright" Bucky said as gently as he could to try and comfort you, when he himself was trying to hold back tears. He was scared too. "Just stay on the phone with me, okay?"
You listened intently to Bucky breathing, then you heard a motorbike revving.
"Y/n are you with anyone? Any other hostages?"
"N-no. I-I'm alone, in a van I t-think. I can't see anything."
Bucky drove through the streets on the motorbike, following in the direction that the hostages had gone. He prayed you were with them, and you were just in a different car.
He finally caught up with the armoured police trucks that the hostages were trapped in. They had stopped.
"Y/n are you still moving?" he asked.
Crap, Bucky thought.
He jumped off the motorbike and launched himself at a super soldier.
You were listening on the phone still, when you heard some sort of crash.
You couldn't hear Bucky's breathing anymore as he had dropped the phone.
You could hear the faint sound of people fighting.
"Where is she?!" Bucky yelled, walking towards Karli before he was knocked over by another super soldier.
In the next moment, one of the trucks went up in flames next to them.
He heard you scream. Not over the phone. In person.
Bucky looked around worriedly but couldn't see you anywhere.
Then he saw a black van driving off.
He looked back at the flaming truck of hostages.
"Shit" he muttered and went to free them.
When he finally broke the lock, he helped each and every one of them to get off.
He instantly turned to go and find you, when he saw that Walker had joined the find.
"Damn it John" he thought as he went to take out some of the super soldiers attacking him.
When two were down, Bucky left John alone as he didn't care that much about him. He cared about you.
As he ran towards the motorbike, he noticed the phone on the floor.
He picked it up then jumped on the bike, then quickly started driving in the direction that the van had gone.
"Y/n you still there?" he asked.
There was no reply.
"Bucky" you cried through sobs. "Bucky please help me."
"I'm coming y/n."
He had no idea where he was going. He could only hope he was going the right away. He should've gone after you first. Because now he had lost you.
"We're on the bridge."
"He's on his way. Do it now."
Bucky was driving along a road next to the river.
He looked up at the bridge, and almost lost control of the bike out of shock from what he saw.

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