Chapter 3

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Your POV

I walked to the huge gates to open it and there where soldiers.

"Have you seen the Prince? "

"Erhm no.. not really" I said

"Okay then young lady but if you find him please contact us. " one of them said and they left.

Soon Newt came out the Hay stack and sighed.

"Thanks so much... I'm finally a bit free now.." he said

"Well no problem." I said

"So what's your name? I'm Princ-" I cut him off he he.

"I know your name.. Gosh everyone knows. I'm (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n).. nice to meet you prince." I said

"I'm going out its really dark here.." I said and went out and sat down on the beaches soft white sand. I noticed that Newt followed me.

The sun was setting over the horizon it was really beautiful.

"I've never seen the sun Set here.. nor have I went out the castle walls without guards following me." Newt said and looked at me straight in the eye.

"Well you're  here now." I said and smiled at him. He just kept staring at my eyes and inspecting it like something was wrong.

"You have Alexandria's Genesis..." Newt said.

(Search it on Google. This is a disorder where you get purple eyes and don't get periods but is still fertile and don't get pubic hair and are more healthier than normal people. Btw this is the only thing I changed in you guys appearance hair color and other stuff is your decision. just made you all very cool apparently you can thank me later XD ;D)

"Alexandria's what?" I Said. What is that? What.

"They're people who have purple Eyes.... When I was studying I've heard of this Kingdom called Agrerin and they say that they're sons and daughters have Alexandria's Genesis, your an Avignone aren't you?" Newt started blabbering and stuff. Yeah I guess my eyes are kinda purple but my parents told me that they where Dark blue not purple.

"Look Newt my parents told me they're Dark blue not purple." I said

"Are you sure that they're not purple? They seem very purple right now. You're an Avigone. Why are you here in Exaltia you should be in Agrerin!" Newt said and tried to observe my Purple Eyes.

"ARGHH just shut up." I said and punched his shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Hmph. . Your weird." Newt said

"No I'm a limited edition porcelain doll!" I said

"You think your pretty you really aren't you know." Newt said and I just wanted to punch his face so I just did that.

"Ouch.. your weird why would you punch a Prince?" Newt said.

"Your just a normal human being to me okay." I said, normally hot and gorgeous. Oh, don't fall in love with him! Wait I already did.. why is life like this?

"Your odd.. and I like it!" He chuckled and we stayed there just watching the sun set. Then the sun was gone and it was getting really dark.

"I think I'll be going now (y/n). Thanks for saving me from all those girls." He said and stood up.

"No problem!" I said and smiled at him. Just meeting him is already enough. Seeing him was enough too. Seriously the world gave me so much happiness right now. But when there's happiness there comes sadness and sadness replaced with happiness it's like a cycle! I guess this is what the god gave me for loosing my parents.

"(Y/n) where are your parents I haven't seen them at all. " Newt asked

"Well they died." I said

"I'm so sorry! So you live alone in the barn?" He asked me

"Yeah.." I said kinda embarrassed of my self.

"Yeah out should come to our castle! Please come I'm sure mom and dad wouldn't mind." Newt said

"Well if you say so.." I said and followed him.

Oh my gosh? Now I'm getting in the Castle! This is just beautiful!

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