Chapter 10

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Your POV

So we finally get to Exaltia. It has been a good 4 years since I've been here. When we decked I saw people already eager to see the Princess.

"Good luck (y/n). " Teresa told me and smiled

"Thanks." I said

"You can do this okay. For me please." Thomas said I only nodded I can't promise him that we will work this out.

And then he escorted me out the Ship. People gasped I really don't know why but it must be the dress. I smiled at them and gave a very princess like wave. My dress is not really the kind any other person would wear really. So it must be the dress.

And then a beautiful carriage came and I went in. This must take me to the palace. Thomas went with me to represent as an assistant or something. And then we finally got to the castle still as big and beautiful as ever. Just like I remembered. Just like it.

I got out the carriage and I saw the Royal family in front of the Huge gates. I looked at they're faces as I walked closer to them I can tell they were all very stunned.

"Are you Princess Teresa Agnes?" The King asked me. I forgot my name wont be (y/n) anymore.

"Yes I am nice to meet you all." I said politely

"Your very beautiful! And you're purple eyes... aren't the Avigone's are the only ones that have Purple Eyes? " I heard princess Sonya say she still looked really pretty too, her hair was linger and she had just grown into being such a beautiful girl.

"Well I have them.. not only the Family of Avigone can have purple Eyes." I stated back.

"I love your dress dear and your crown is outstanding! "The Queen said , and then I saw Newt he was shocked as everyone ,oh! he grew up so handsomely! Puberty hit him well.

"Hello, Princess.." he said and Kissed my hand. I only smiled at his gesture with a slight tint of pink in my cheeks.

"Our Son will gladly show you around our lovely castle!" The Queen said in excitement.

"Okay oh, and can you please reserve some rooms to my Assistants and the Sailors. They will be staying here." I said and looked over to Thomas anger filled his eye as he looked at the King.

"But Ofcourse mi'lady. " the king said and then I went with Newt. We went in and it seemed as if nothing changed everything was still looking spotless.

"You know your purple eyes remind me of someone and well you look like someone I know." Newt said

"Oh really? What was this Lady like?." I said and smiled at him.

"Oh she was beautiful. She was marvelous infact. She is just everything I could ever want to be honest." He said. I just smiled at him. I admired how he still really loves me.. even though 4 years past.

"Where is this girl then?" I asked him

"She ran away... she never even said good bye to me... I still love her. No matter what." Newt said. I felt myself tearing up. He was true I never said good bye I just left him hanging for 4 years.

"Oh.. I'm sorry about that maybe she has a reason of why she left." I said stopping my tears.

"She does have a reason... oh, well sorry for telling you this we are getting married." Newt said with a sad smile. I wish I could just tell him that I am Her, but this is also for Thomas he will know soon enough.

"Okay well can you show me my room?" I asked him.

"Oh.. Father said were uh....supposed to have the same room...." he said trying to not sound Sexual as possible. I just blushed bright red. How can this be happening? WHA? WHA?

"Oh.....okay" I said. Dear lord please save me..

"Okay, well ill show you the Gardens first then maybe the ball then the library?" Newt said

"Wait you guys have a library here? No take me there first!" I said kinda excited.

"Okay then." Newt said as he scratched his head

We were at the library and rows of books were there. Oh my!! I'm gonna die!! These books! Books everywhere! I love books!

"OH MY!!" This place is wonderful! I shouted and the noise echoed throughout the library.

"Thanks.. I like reading to you know." Newt said I just blushed because he likes the same things I like.

I looked through all the books looking for one to start with.

"I'd suggest you start with this one." Newt said he grabbed my hand and placed it to his and hovered it over a Book with a Red cover. I blushed at his gesture his hands fit mine perfectly really.

"Thanks.." I said and he gave me his strikingly handsome smile.

Okay.. This is turning really wrong he's not falling for me I'm falling for him...

A/n: yay (y/n) finally met Newt after 4 years XD honestly idk how to end this story. I srsly don't know.

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