Chapter 1

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Mushrooms, Louise wouldn't have believed if someone told her that she would be solving a ridiculous amount of problems with them. Problably not the best thing to think about while invading a secret government facility but oh well its Louise we are talking about. 

Thinking back when it all started, she supposed she could blame the sushi rolls she bought for a too good to be true sale. At the time wasn't in any position to be picky with food, trying to make do with what she had after being emancipated was harder then she had anticipated. And that's without talking about waking up inside an alien cacoon, only to discover that she was fired while she was stuck inside said caccon. Making her situation at least 4 times more difficult - unemployed, going to college on a scholarship with her grades as a condition, and her rent being due in a two weeks. 

It took her brushing her hand against someone's else's hand to figure out that she wasn't normal anymore. Sure, the caccon was strange but it was New York city, weird shit happened all fucking the time, she thought. Suddenly gaining an impression of all of someone's knowledge just by touching them wasn't the weirdestt thing to happen there. Three days later she had the answers to all of her questions to this shit - Aliens, Inhumans. 

The government issued a mandatory registration of Inhumans. And she felt incredibly lucky that the caccon didn't change her appearance, it made it far easier to escape the screening at the university for a while until she figured out how to fake the results. 

She was afraid to say the least. She had already heard the horror stories of what they had done with the mutants, she wasn't willing to figure out what they were going to do with Inhumans. Those memories made her incredibly mad. (What is up with humans that when they fear the unknown the first thing they do is attack? Where is the logic in this? They literally think they are better then anything else because they are fucking rational and still don't give rights to other beings that are rational like them "because they are not on the same level of intelligence as humans", like what the fuck?) It was a general consensus in her generation that people are stupid, that most of the world's problems comes from greedy and racist white men having a lot of power in the society. For them, a change was way past due. 

With her new discoreved habilities, over the course of a few weeks she had the knowledge necessary to be able to discern who was a government agent or not, who was inhuman and who was not and eventually figured out that there were far more communities hidden on Earth that she had know. The sheer amount of aliens passing as humans baffled her for weeks to end.

Once she had enough information on alien hot spots she started go there on a regular basis. They were very close tight communities, with very niche interests that normally somehow influenced where they met or go to. Sure it was awkward at first, no one could identify what sort of alien she was, which honestly isn't a surprise since they didn't consider Inhumans as aliens in the first place. After all the majority of them were born on earth and technically speaking they would only be 50% alien, according to what the government issued as a baseline Inhuman.

As soon as they figured that she wasn't going to lead any government agents there and wasn't a threat they warmed up to her, some shared the ways of how they could pass as humans probably trying to give her some tips to hide from the government which she sure as hell wasn't going to complain about that. Once alien communities figured out that Louise is studying to be a doctor they started venting to her about how dificult it was to get some kind of medication for them. It didn't surprise her that the majority of the time their painkillers were prescription only meds, with highly moderated doses.

That's when she had a brilliant epiphany. She figured that she could use her powers to get her degree faster and help as many people as she could.  She was already planning to open a clinic of her own seeing of how expensive the anything related to healthcare is on the United States. Another thing that made her really mad. (Who even charges $69,210.32 for an x-ray? This is riddiculous! She may not have her degree or anything yet but she knows enough to make a difference.)

And that is how she got herself into this situation, breaking into a freaking not so secret government agent base, crawling in the tight metal vents of said place. Only so she could get information on a Inhuman that has similar powers as her patient in order for her can find a freaking way to treat her bacterial infection. (Could she even call her a patient if she is technically not a doctor yet?). 

She had a lot of confidence that this base was abandoned. Sure the lights were on but why wouldn't the United States make a self sustaining base? It's probably infested with rats and other wild animals she inferred as she saw through the vent slits another shadow move. 


She froze. What the fuck was that sound?

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