Chapter 4

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"I don't like this Phil.", she said pointing at the inconsistencies
"Me neither May. But we have to, we can't let her know about it right now, Jemma said she just got stable. Who knows what effect this will have on her."

The display showed a variety of patients files in one corner of the screen while the majority of the screen was occupied by a overview of Margaret's and Skye's father location in 2000, they couldn't have met. He never left China after what he believed was his wife's death. He had told them before he died that he had only complied to Hydra's orders because they were treating her life. But what if that wasn't the truth?

Her mother said they probably were watching her while she was pregnant, just waiting for her to give birth to finally start their experiments on her and take away her baby. What if it was all planned? What if they wanted her and the baby as a backup? That certainly would explain why the timeline.

"He ain't her father Phil, we have to tell her.", she bluntly told him while looking at him with a straight face

"I don't know May. After all she has been through... Ward, the transformation, this is gonna wreck her.",  Coulson explained his reasoning, trying to shield the hacker who he had formed a father - daughter bond with without even noticing

"And you will be there to help her.", she told him with a sympathetic smile that was rarely seen on her face

"I don't know if I'm the right person for that."

"Phil, you practically are her father figure right now. You got this. Even if we don't find who this man is she knows you have her back. She knows she can count on you."

"How May? How am I gonna do that?! How am gonna destroy the picture she painted of her origins after ages of being an orphan?" he said looking completely lost and defeated

Melinda May didn't hesitate, she abruptly reached out to him and hold him into a thight hug, making Phil grimace in pain. He was hurting she didn't know it. How could she not know it? He is her boss, her ... something? He promised her that they would never keep secrets between the two of them, how could he have done that.

"I'm calling Nick."

Phil's eyes widened in feer, his boss was on holidays, he had put one the Skrulls to pretend they were him, he really needed this after the whole Avengers drama she couldn't do that. And the pain wasn't even that bad, sure it hurt but not as much as it hurt to get his arm chopped of by Mac.

"May no."

What Phil didn't seem to understand is that they had more then ten years worth of missions run solely on the work of them both, they knew how the other would try to conceal an injury in order to finish their mission. Specially, if the injury was serious enough to compromise their objectives.

His body language and weight shift was really off. She couldn't believe that she didn't catch that before,  she was really off her game.

"Phil, you are putting your whole weight forward and you grimaced, not to mention that you are clutching your chest on the spot Loki stabbed you with scepter. You are not getting out of this without a consult with a doctor that dealt with the effects of that thing."

"May there is no need to -"

"Shut up." She said already dialing Maria Hill up

------------ Moments later -------------

"Dammit!" Exclaimed Tony as he tasted oil on his coffee once again prompting Peter's laughter "Stop laughing! Are you in this? I swear if you are in this I'm sending you to the intern labs to do rounds Pete."

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