Chapter 5

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"Ok, we are good to go there. I'm just gonna ask Jemma to do a quick check-up on you before we go there."

"May, I'm fine-" Coulson insisted

"I do not believe this will be necessary. If you could just touch the Triskelion, I will be able to do a quick scan on Agent Coulson," interjected Louise's AI, Trixie

"Like I would let you gain info on him," said May
"If I may, I wouldn't save that data on my servers. As you are quite aware, I'm connected to the device in front of you. The file will be heavy to transfer but I do believe it would be within the space available of one of the hard drives on the table " the AI suggested
The agents exchanged glances between the two of them.
"It would not harm," said Coulson putting his hand at the device

The AI overwhelmed its servers as it was not only running a scan as a human patient but as every kind of individuals, they had met. It took the liberty of using the RAM of the device it was connected to, since, because of the restrictions the location gave it no access to its full potential, limiting the AI processors to only the ones physically present there.

" Please wait a few minutes, I took the liberty of running your data against every species we have come across. From my preliminary analysis, you have traces of Inhuman traits and you seem to be suffering from poisoning and developing cancerogenic cells from an unidentified toxic and radioactive element. I have also found chemicals, that are commonly found on the alien's species Skrull, that have not been metabolized by your body as it does not have the organs necessary to do so. I highly suggest you do hemodialysis to remove them".

"That is not something we couldn't infer by the events transcribed" remarked May

"That's true for you, however, I do not possess the context to come to that conclusion on the events alone. I do however have acquired data necessary to presume that the radioactive element is preventing the active expression of the Inhuman traits."

"Now that is useful information. Phil, I'm going to get the quinjet ready, you tell Mac how to proceed with the interrogation of our guest without me."

------------- Moments later in The Stark Tower----------

"...and because of that, we can't use this substance for this reaction. We could try an aromatic ring but that would require a metallic catalyst, high temperature, and pressure. And you are not even listening to me, are you Doctor Banner?"
"I'm sorry, Peter. The snap completely reverted the fusion process I did last time. It took me a lot of time and a lot of calculations back then. And even with that, I wasn't sure it would work. I'm trying to make up a hypothesis of what could have potentialized my chances when I put myself through it, but nothing seems to be working!"

Finally, Peter thought, he didn't have a lot more complicated problems to rant about with him. He had hoped that despite his interest in Peter's discoveries and theories he would zone out and try to work on merging himself to Hulk again.

"Why are you even trying though? From what I have seen from the fight footage you didn't even have the full Hulk potential that way."

"Because I can't live with him! It's insufferable, he can't even articulate. It makes me disgusted that a part of me is so dumb!"

"Woah, Dr. Banner! That's a lot of anger directed towards Hulk. No wonder you two have such a bad relationship." said Peter "Have you ever thought that maybe, just maybe, because you both share a body you too can be sharing your thoughts and feelings?"

"No! I don't share thoughts and feelings with him and neither does he. If he did I would intrinsically know-"

"What he feels? Like a gut feeling, you can't change? That's exactly what Dr. Grimm said about Thing. You have Dissociate Identity Disorder, Dr. Banner."

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