Chapter 6

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Steve huffed as entered the Avengers Compound after finishing his last lap on the property line. He specifically chose to enter by the fitness room as he knew his shoes were dirty and he needed a shower, he was covered in sweat. He passed by the indoor shooting grounds and saw that Clint was there practicing a few archery shots. Thinking of having some bonding time with the man was needed, which his therapist loved to recommend whenever he talked about the Avengers. ( Apparently, they weren´t a very close team and that is a problem because they are the people he speaks to the most to since whenever he tries to strike up a conversation with someone they would most likely stand there blown away they are interacting with him, it was annoying.) He decided to invite Clint to dinner with his boyfriends in their quarters:

"Hey, Clint! I´m making a casserole and Buffalo Chicken & Rice Skillet for us today, do you want to come over? Maybe you could even play some games with Sam. He was saying you were excited to try out the new game he got something with a watch?"

He waited a bit for Clint's answer, he thought that the man was very concentrated on making his shot. The archer was following each one of the moving targets with his bow and arrow, but apparently, that wasn´t the case as after some time following a target he started to bullseye every single moving target on his view sight.

"I will even make those brownies if you want them." seeing as his teammate still didn´t give him any response he tried again "Look man, I´m trying to make amends here. I´ve talked with my therapist and she said I was not honest with you when I talked about the whole fight thing with Tony. And that you are probably mad at me for getting you out of your retirement, that it was very selfish for me to take you away from a place where you could live in the middle of nowhere where no one could bother you. After so many years of work to keep this country and the world safe. What I did to you was not fair and I´m not saying what I did with the others was fair either." sighs "Hell, I think this entire thing took a toll on both Wanda and Vision, it's a miracle they are having children now. And Scott, if I had known he had a daughter man... I would have never invited him to this. Not that that would be the real problem, the real reason why this is all messed up. But I wanna make things better, I want us to be cool with each other again. If you don´t want to come over or even interact with me ever again please tell me... or just don´t. I heard that not answering is an answer nowadays. Sharon is doing that with all my texts, if you want to do that even when it's not through the phone too that´s fine."

Seeing as his rant didn´t trigger off anything at all Steve decided to hit the showers. Unbeknownst to him, Clint didn´t hear a single thing he said. He had taken out his hearing aids after getting inside the room, he wanted to test if he was relying on his hearing to decide which targets to shoot first, and besides, he had his emergency ones with him. He had lost his last one during the battle. Steve seemed to have forgotten he was deaf and was sobbing under the running water.

--------------- Meanwhile in a very dark and gloomy city--------------------
As the black slick car arrived on its parking spot rushing the wings flaps roared against the walls. The driver got out of the car stomping, not bothering to kill the engine.

"Welcome back Master Wayne-"

"I´m not in the mood to talk" the man mumbled while taking his equipment off

"Well, I gather the meeting was not successful then. I suppose I shall inform Miss al Ghul that you are unavailable."

"What is she doing here?" he said tossing his suit into a corner

"Miss al Ghul has expressed concern for young Damien´s training and the need to talk with you about an individual known as Deadpool, apparently he has been called as one of the best mercenaries in the world, and his methods have caught the attention of the League of Assasins."

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