Fifteen~ Back to desk duty

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~Next day~

You had just got to district you walked up in to the bull pen when your dad is standing at your desk you walk over to him.

You: Yo what's up

Dad: Desk duty

You: Who

Dad: You

You: Why

Dad:Cause you have a mild concussion

You:But Will said that I could go back to full duty

Dad: I don't care you are on desk duty for the next four days

You:*sitting down* Fine

You were early to work so no one else was there yet so you decided to play "Passion fruit" By Drake. While listening to music you started to clean the office when Trudy walks up with Justin. Bunny, and your mom.

Mom: Where's your dad 

You: Why are you here

Justin: You'll want to hear this little sis

Bunny: Where's Hank*pausing your music*

You walked over and un-paused it till your dad walks out of the break room.

Dad: Bunny, Maria, Justin thank you Trudy

Trudy: Anytime Sarge 

Bunny: Took away the right to taking care of my daughter now you taking full custody of her

Dad: Bunny leave

Bunny: Remember that night Hank remember when it all happened before you met your wife when we were so in love

Dad: Bunny leave now

Bunny: How will Erin react when she finds out that you aren't only an old friend of mine but you are also her dad

You: What the fuck is she talking about dad

Justin: Yeah I was told you cheated on Maria with her

Dad: Justin before I had met your mother or Maria me and Bunny met at a bar and things happened of course Bunny had Erin but never told me about Erin being mine till a few months ago before she got high and called me

You: Uh *slamming a file on your desk* and I'm just now finding out that Erin is our half sister and not some little girl we took in off the streets

Dad: I'm sorry Parker

You: Yeah ok

Dad:It was 6 months ago

You: Yet I'm just now finding out

You walked into the break room and made yourself a cup of coffee then walked back out to see your dad and Justin arguing in his office. You heard foot steps coming and you knocked on the door  dad opened it.

You: Some one is coming

Just then Erin, Hailey, Antonio, and Jat walk up the stairs. Justin looks at your dad.

Justin: We'll continue this later

He walks out Erin tries and says hi but he ignores her and goes downstairs.Erin walks into your dad's office and closes the door. Jay looks at you and you just shrugg your shoulders.

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