Eighteen ~ Fucked up

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It's hits 12:30 and you walk into "The Vegas". You sit down where you sat last tome and both Luis and Camilla walk over to you. Luis hugs you.

Camilla: I didn't think you were going to show

Luis: Neither did I

You: Well when I make a promise I keep

Camilla laughed so did you and Luis.

You: You know what this place could use

Camilla: What a kareoke area

You: Yeah or like a stage for people to preform and Ill come everyday if I can and I'll preform if no one else will

Camilla laughed at your idea.

Camilla: I'll think about it but I highly doubt it will happen

Luis: I say we just take a few tables out we put a speaker and a mic up there and see who goes up

Camilla: Again I'll think about it but highly doubt it will happen

You&Luis: Ok

Camilla walked away and you started talking to Luis.

You: Luis you working for anyone

Luis: This guy named Ricky he does high guard type shit

You: Can you set me up with him please I need something to do so I;m not on the streets cops are out for me man they said if Ion'y get a job and soon I'm in the gutter

Luis: I can't Anastasia

You: Luis please I can't go to jail man

Luis: Anastasia I don't know cause it's like high tech guard shit and Ion't want you to end up getting hurt

You kissed his cheek before standing up.

You: Fine guess I'll go be a stripper then they make pretty good money

You started to walk out when he ran up and stopped you.

Luis: Fine I'll try and set you up and next time you kiss me do it right

He kissed you and pulled away smiling. 

You: Thank you now go help your sister I'll be back sometime soon

You smiled before walking out. As soon as you were out your smile dropped and you walked over to Antonio's car.

You all left back to the station. You all went up to the bullpen when you got there.

Jay: Kissing his cheek wasn't part of the plan

You: I needed to get him to set me up with Ricky Jay other wise we are all dead meat on this case and that little boy dies and I'll know exactly how his parents will feel to know someone could have saved him but they didn't or they were too late

Jay: I'm just saying you didn't need to kiss him

You: i kissed his cheek he kissed me after I didn't kiss him he kissed me if you don't like me not risking this case then maybe we should take a break till this case is solved

Jay: I have nothing wrong with you trying to solve this case and I don't want to take a break I just don't feel comfortable with my girlfriend kissing a kidnapper

Dad: Take the rest of the day off you guys are good to go

You all left. You went back to Camilla's bar instead of Molly's.

You walked inside and you were greeted by Camilla.

You: Hey Luis here

Camilla: Asleep in the back he went to bed when you left will you go wake him up

You: Yeah

You walked in the back and jumped on to Luis. He woke up pushing you off and calling you Camilla before turning over.

You: First off that's rude to push me and second off I'm not Camilla

He jumped up and hugged you.

You: I thought I told you to help Camilla not go to sleep

Luis: I didn't sleep last night I had a night mare

You guys walked back out to see Jay and Camilla talking.Jay was smiling at her like he's never smiled at you. You could see he was actually happy. You hugged Luis and told him you needed to go you remembered you were supposed to meet your brother then you left for your apartment.

*Skip drive*

You ran inside crying you closed you apartment door before sliding down it.You started crying. You heard a knock on the door. You looked through the peep hole to see Antonio, Mouse,Erin,Kim,Adam,and Kevin all standing there.

You: Hey Alexa play Again by Sasha Alex Sloan

The music started playing and you answered the door and let them in.

Adam: Are you ok

You: *still crying* I just saw Jay smiling more than he's ever smiled with me 

Erin: Who was he with

You: Camilla at "The Vegas" they also kissed

Kim: Did he kiss back

You: I don't know

Adam: You didn't kiss back earlier with Luis did you

You: No I'm so dangerously in love with jay it isn't funny I only kissed Luis' cheek so he would set me up with Ricky

Erin walked up and hugged you. After she let go Antonio hugged you while you cried into his chest.

You: I'm so stupid I should have just stayed away from this case

Antonio: Hey you aren't stupid ok you are doing great on this case ok

Someone was let in but you didn't know and din't care cause you just wanted to break down in Antonio's arms and that's what you did.

You: How can I be so stupid I should have let him talk to Luis and we wouldn't be in this position I wouldn't be doubting everything and we probably wouldn't even be mad at each other maybe Camilla should have him

Antonio: Don't say things like that Parker

You: I am literally so stupid Antonio  maybe I should have never introduced myself at base and he could be actually happy without faking it maybe I should have been the one to go and not Andres

Antonio: *pulling away* Don't ever say that you should have been the on to go cause then we both would be in the ground you know how much you've changed my life Parker a lot

Erin: Mine too

Adam: Mine especially

Kevin: Me two

Kim: Mine three

Antonio: That night that we sat at Molly's and made stupid jokes will always be my favorite memory with you especially when you said "what's the police department with out the academy" and I said

You:Just a bunch of untrained idiots running on the streets trying to control everyone

You guys all laughed.Jay walks up to you and asks to talk to you in private.You guys walked into your room and closed the door.

Jay:I think we should take a break

You started laughing but you shortly stopped.

You:Oh you were being serious ok

You opened the door and walked back into the living room.

You:Hey alexa replay Again by Sasha Alex Sloan

Alexa started playing Again. You went and grabbed two cases of beer from the kitchen. You sat the cases on the coffee table just then Jay let Camilla and Luis in. You handed everyone a beer then went and got you self one. You started singing till Luis walked up to you. 

Luis: Hey I got you set up you'll come with me and meet him tomorrow*whispering*

You: Alright*whispering back*

You all hung out and got drunk till late

The Wrong PathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora