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After you guys were done eating you guys watched a movie then went to the store for some beer.

*Skip drive*

You went into the store bought some beer, chips,water,and pregnancy tests.You told them to keep the receipt then you went and got back into Jay's truck.

*Skip drive*

You guys drank beer and ate chips and had fun and everything.

*Two weeks later*

You and Jay had just gotten back from duty and you were feeling good at all today you woke up this morning throwing your guts up. You grabbed the pregnancy test. You took it then waited five minutes for the result.

*Five minutes later*

You looked at the test and it showed positive. Yo took two more and waited for the results. After the results came back positive you threw all tests except for one in the trash.You stuck the cap on the one you kept then you walked into the living room and over to Jay.

Jay: You ok baby

You: Yeah * scared*

You were scared about how he was going to react to it. You smiled at him before pulling out the test from your waist band.

You: Baby look

He looked at you then you handed him the test.He looked at the results.

You:Jay we are pregnant

Jay: Oh my gosh no way i'm so ready for this especially with you*standing up*

He hugged you and spun you around. You kissed him he kissed back.He put you down and looked at you then looked at your belly.

Jay: Oh my gosh I'm so happy

You: How about we invite Will and Natalie over for dinner and we'll give them the news but everyone else can't know yet I want to wait till I'm further into the pregnancy

Jay: That's fine

You: Ok I'll start dinner cause it's literally 6:30

You went into the kitchen and started cooking pasta.

Jay: Hey baby

You: Yeah

Jay: What are we having

You: Pasta, wine, and water for me

Jay: Ok

You: That's how we're going to tell them I won't be drinking anything and when one of you offer me the wine I'll say " No thanks sorry I can't have that"

Jay: And when they ask why not I'll say "We're pregnant"


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