Thirty- Two~ Work

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After eating you and Jay left for the station.

*Skip drive*

You and Jay walked in.

You: Morning Trudy

Trudy: Morning Voight

You smiled knowing that your last name won't be Voight for long but it'll be your childhood best friends last name.Jay scanned his hand then you guys walked up the stairs into the bullpen.

Mouse: Halstead Voight hey*walking up to you guys*

Adam: Alright let's get to work

Your dad walked out and pinned a photo on the board

Dad: Gavin Montgomery he's sold four things of heroin and coke that has caused four death of the people who took it Antonio: We need to find out more information like where his next meet up is or where we could find him

Dad: Voight and Atwater talk to your CI's

You texted you CI to see if she was willing to meet up.

You: Hey Atwater got a time with your CI

Kevin: He can't has his nephews today

You: Well then come on we gotta get to the bean

You nodded to you dad and Jay before you and Kevin walked down to the garage.You grabbed your keys and you guys got in.

*On the way there*

Kevin: How was your first night as a fiance last night

You: The restaurant was amazing with you guys his dad is the nicest I looked at a few houses while getting ready for bed last night

Kevin: When is the wedding

You: At least 4 or 5 months from now

Kevin: Nice have you decide the color theme

You: If I tell you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it

Kevin: Very funny does Jay at least know so we know what suit colors we get

You: He does know the color but hint you get to wear black suits


You guys got there and your CI walked up to the car.

You: Hey Alexei

Alexei: How much

You: 60 dollars now and 400 dollars later

Alexei: Alright

You handed him the money.He put his arms on your window and leaned on them.

Alexei: Gavin Montgomery he's been selling on my old corner nine blocks from here

You: Alright thank you

He leaned down to you and hugged you through the window.He kissed you on the cheek before you guys parted ways.

*Skip drive*

You guys parked and went inside and up to the bull pen.

You: Alright Gavin Montgomery sells his products nine blocks from the bean

Antonio: We need someone to go undercover

Dad: Antonio and Parker you guys will go as a couple who is looking for a fix and someone recommended Gavin to you

You: Alright when do we start

Dad: Tomorrow you will go under

Antonio: Alright

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