Twenty-Two~ Parker&Erin

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Parker met Erin when she was about 15 and Erin was 13 and Parker's mom was still alive. Erin showed up on the doorstep one night knocking on the door. Parker answered it and yelled for Hank.Hank walked to the front door and saw Erin. 

Hank: Erin hey sweetheart

Erin: Hey Hank I'm sorry I know it's late but my mom just kicked me out and I need a place to stay

Hank: You can stay here in the spare bedroom

Erin: Ok

She came in and closed the door.Hank went back to bed meanwhile Parker pulled Erin up to her room and they talked for hours.

Parker: So how old are you

Erin: I'm 13 what about you

Parker: 15

Erin: Yay I've always wanted a bigger sister

Parker: I've always wanted a younger sister

 The girls laughed and fell asleep on her bed. Parker was so excited to go to school and tell everyone that she has a younger sister and if they messed with her she would bash your face into a wall.

*Next morning*

The girls got ready then left. As the girls were walking Parker's gang walked up to her and they all put their arms around her.

Calvin: So baby what are you doing tonight

Parker: I promised my sister here that we would spen some time together but party next time alright

Erin never did like Parker's gang she always found them smelling like reefer and taking Parker away from her and sneaking out to parties.Erin: didn't like the comfortable Parker. She didn't like how Parker would yell at her when she tried to tell her to stay home the night of the party and she didn't listen. Erin knew better she saw what parties,beer, and drugs can do to someone. The girls still hold a special bond and a special place for each other

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