Chapter 3: Flashbacks

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Tae: shut up!! Just shut up!!

My mind is still fighting with my heart , it wants my heart to realize what pain did these sea creatures cause to me but then I can't stop...

And eventually, at some point and for some reason my eyes land on her lips and I slowly lean and-

Y/n: 😳

Guard: Your highness what are doing in the pond?

Tae: whatt ?

And then I realized I'm so close to the Siren and push her off away from me. The guard help me to get away from the pond.

Guard: you ok my highness?
Tae: yeah, I'm fine. let me get out of here.
Guard: yes king .

And the guard Bowed at me.

Your Pov:

You couldn't believe what just happen, is he about to kiss me?...
I shooked my head .... No no!! He don't do that but why do I feel my heart beat so fast.

And then I saw my eyes in the reflection of the water.

"What ?!!!! My eyes how did they turned gold?"

And then my head hurt so bad and make flashback.


Someone pov's:

My queen your child

Mom: what ? What is wrong with my child?
Friends mom: she- she has a go- golden eyes
Mom: whattttttttt!!!!!
Friend mom : she's special my queen
Mom: what do you mean special?
Friends mom: In the past year they said that the baby will born again with golden eyes  in the middle of the night and it's full moon.
Mom: and??....
Friends mom: she's powerful.

And then my friend go out and feel nervous.

"No!! I won't let my daughter know this".

~nxt day~

"Mom where are you ?"
Mom: I'm here my daughter
" Mom, why does my hair changed into color brown I thought my hair is color black?
Mom: what do you mean?

And then I saw that my daughter's hair turn into brown it looks so beautiful but strange.

Maid: Queen it's time for breakfast, the king commanded me to call you.
Mom: Thank you.

I bring my daughter and we eat breakfast together.

King: why does her hai-
Mom: don't worry about it.


I visit my friend to know what's happening to my daughter y/n.

I explained everything when I already arrived at her house.

Friends mom: it's starting....
Mom: huh?
Friends mom: she's starting to get stronger and getting her powers..
Mom: what powers?
Friend mom: idk they didn't tell what's the power she can do.

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