Chapter 12: Breakfast

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Taehyung povs:

Sitting on the side of the bed, I'm flustered... i think I'm going crazy ... I couldn't even sleep all night after finding out that this mermaid is sleeping besides me...

Did she also sing yesterday? Even in my dreams she pops up in nowhere.

Tae: but hey isn't my fever gone? I swear I told Margaret that i am sick.

Hmmm.. weird this mermaid help me? No. Impossible.. Arghhhh I don't understand myself sometimes I like her and Now why am i hating her ...

I stand up and change into something more comfortable to stay in.

Margaret: here my king

When I walk out the bedroom . I thank Margaret as she made me a cup of tea .

Tae: please prepare my breakfast and my medicine .
Margaret: it looks like you're better today though king .. I'm glad.. oh and I tried to stop Madame yesterday but-
Margaret: she seemed very tired as well and I guess she hasn't notice your presence when you came back .

No wonder then, of course she wouldn't notice me if she's very tired.

Taehyung: understood, thank you for informing me.

I sit on the couch drinking my tea while looking out at the window.

Man i never get tired of the view .

Tae: plus the ocean looks very pretty today...
But not as pretty as Y/n: huh..

Wait what!!! What just came out from my mouth ... I must be insane what's wrong with me??? Yeah of course I like her but why am I acting like this.

Tae: woahhh ! Damn let me put this down.

Placing the cup of tea, that i almost spilled over me down I cross my arms together as i think. Think of a way to normalize what i just said...

Let me not lie.. she's pretty refreshing and has a wonderful smile. A bit sassy in attitude but it's better than that always pure look that's going on around here..

Oh my gosh am I complementing her again?
Kim Taehyung focus and control what's coming out from your damn mouth.

A knock on the door and I look up. Who in the world is it? It's still early in the morning. Can it be... someone from - no no ? Oh come on!!

I already had enough of a hard time trying to cover up the mermaid from Seojun , I can't do it again ...

Tae: who is it?

No answer, but a knock on the door instead, do they not want to reveal who they are?

Tae: if you don't tell me who you are , i will not going to open the door.

Seojun: FINE!! It's me SEOJUN ! Open up now!

Oh no that's not happening

Tae: if you're here again because you want to skip work and to sleep in I told you that I already have a guest.

Seojun: no no!! Jimin ... Kook and I heard you're sick. Namjoon said He wants us to go together for a trip.

Tae: I'm supposed to stay in.
Seojun: it's to lift your spirit up... and you can  get that friends of yours too..

Seojun: at 2 meet us at this new Bar , we'll have steak and wine .
Tae: Sure , give me the location ... now leave!
Seojun: I was being nice ... and you couldn't even let me tch—

Hearing to footsteps fadeout , i just realize what I've done. I'm taking that damn mermaid out again!!! The mermaid I was supposed to trap and dead.

Why am i turning like this? What is gotten onto  me?

Y/n: hm? You're awake and better now?

Speaking of the devil, here she is....

She yawns and stretches her arms out. I guess she just woke up.

Tae: uh yeah.. I'm awake and good.

Margaret comes in and places the tray of my breakfast and... Y/n I'm guessing with the extra plate...

Margaret: enjoy!

She walks off and Y/n comes in closer sitting across of me.

Y/n: I'm sorry for sleeping with you it is just it's so comfy.

She explain and I grab my food eating it as I nod.

Tae: hm... it's fine ... a bit too late to tell me now right?

Her cheeks flush a bright pink and my eyes widen at the sight . S-So cute ...

Tae: ahem... So Seujun came by earlier and invited me out.
Y/n: so you're going out again?

She sounded disappointed that i was leaving and it for some reason made me happy.

Tae: yes but I'm taking you with me.

Her face brightens up instantly and I almost spit put my food for chuckling. Huh... since when was she this cute?

Tae: so go get ready soon... Margaret will help you choose some nice clothes.

She happily nods and then continues eating . It makes me realize that she's the type to only get scared when needed... because I think she forgot who I am.

If I was in her place I would never have talked to the person who has trying to want me dead. Yet then again. She's a mermaid in the human world.

She's going to be curious, and will be glad to find an opportunity to explore it. Ah and then the legs. I gaze down on her side legs and up to her face again.
Crap , was she always this pretty?

Y/n: hmjmp ?!!Shoot!

The mermaid drop some oil from the food on her clothes.

Tae: tch... be careful . You can't take this out now... oil will stai-
Y/n: I'm sorry ... and it's your button up shirt too

I freeze in place. Stopping myself from leaning any closer, and stare down at her torso.. that's covered with my shirt...

Y/n: hello? What's wrong?
Y/n: if you're wondering why i wear this it's because everything else was just too uncomfortable to go to sleep in.

Tae: u- uh - uhm ... no it's not that .. uhm.. just continue eating.

I sit back on the couch and raise my head up and covering my eyes with my arm.

Tae: I swear to God... you're gonna be the death of me.

Y/n povs

Margaret help choose of some dresses she bought after I ate my breakfast.

Y/n: you choose margaret it's ok for me.
Margaret: ok madame


Y/n: it looks so beautiful margaret.
Margaret: like you madame
Y/n: don't be like that .... * sigh* i hope tae will not do it again like leaving me alone.
Margaret: he would not.

And smile at Margaret and tell her Thanks.

I go downstair to meet Tae because I'm ready but

Y/n : ahhhhhhhhh

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