The Kraken crumbles

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"No don't you dare. You do not get to say that. Not after you left me. How am I to belive anything you say after that. How am I to know you won't leave again" Blackbeard choked out, his grip tightening a painful amount on Stede's arms as his tears dropped down onto his rosy cheeks, staining them with the kohl from his own face. The blonde just smiled sympathetically, taking the full brunt of the emotions he caused, soaking it all up like a sponge, it was the least he could do for Ed.

"I'm a monster, Stede, I'm the kraken. You don't love me. You don't know what you're talking about. I killed my own father. I'm not the kind of person people love" He continued, simply rambling now as pure emotion overcame him.

"Ed, my dear, you are the furthest thing from a monster. Do you have horns, hm? A forked tongue? A spiked tail? No, all I see is someone who is kind, thougtful, independent, and who makes me happy. Now does that sound like a boogey man to you? I love you, Ed, and I won't stop saying it because I mean what I say. I'm afraid you're not getting rid of this old fool from your side any time soon," Stede reassured with a voice as soft as velevet, not an ounce of fear in his gaze as this hulking man pinned him down with such ire in his expression it would have any pirate shaking in their boots.

Again. Again Stede's benevolence completely eradicated any possibility of hating him. Blackbeard wanted him to argue back, to fear him, to see him in this mess and regret ever coming back; but the utter acceptance he extended to him had the Kraken crumbling. He finally loosened his hands, red marks now on Stede's arms where they were, and lay down on the man's bandaged chest, defeated.

"I'm tired," Was all he uttered.

"I know," The gentleman pirate replied, stroking his head. Finally, Blackbeard had budged ever so slightly to Stede's stubborness.


Golden rays of daybreak seeped through linen blinds, rousing the rugged pirate from his slumber. He blinked a few times to focus his eyes and jolted upright at the sight of empty sheets, calling out for Stede as he searched the quiet room.

"I'm here, I'm here! I haven't left. I was just looking at the.... uh...redecorating you did in here," Stede remarked, smiling as a bleary eyed Ed approached where he stood staring at empty bookcases, wrapped in his silk robe.

"Ah..Yeah...Uhm, I'm sorry.... About your books...I threw them overboard," He mumbled, his gaze lowering in guilt as he sucked in a sharp breath, "I also have some bad news...about Lucius-"

"Ah yes. I've heard how you so ruthlessly threw my boy over to the sea. Thankfully for you, he is a resourceful young man and managed to hide away in the secret rooms of the ship. I don't think my crew nor I could forgive you if he perished. He was actually the one to free us to help you when things were going south yesterday," the robed man stated, still wistfully staring at his bookcases "And don't worry about the books. Just means I can update my collection"

With that, Stede turned on his heel and disappeared into his hidden wardrobe to dress himself in his fine fabrics he so dearly missed when he was gone. Ed dressed himself in his usual dark atire before his attention diverted to the flurry of curses and 'ows' that emitted from the wardrobe. Curious, he poked his head in to see Stede seemingly brawling with the garments he was trying to pull on, the bandages and two stab wounds limiting his mobility.

"You're going to tear a bloody stitch like that. C'mere," Blackbeard pulled out the chair in the room and sat the flustered man down before he could even protest, stammering as he was in nothing but a shirt but his objections were ignored. Ed kneeled before him and gently took his leg before sliding a stocking onto it up to his thigh, every movement and graze of his fingers slow and delicate. Stede's heart was already racing as he stared down at this man in utter astonishment. When he had a wife, his more intimate exchanges with her felt like nothing more than a business transaction to create a child, it certainly did not feel or make his pulse jump like this. His skin warmed where it was touched by those weathered hands, yearning for more, and as he slid the second stocking on, the devilish part of him was disappointed when those hands stopped at his thigh. He stood to allow him to oh so carefully glide the breeches up his legs, his heart thundering so rapidly he was afraid Ed could hear it. Once he finished with the knee buckles, the blonde quickly ushered him out, "right thank you for you help much appreciated but I can take it from here now, Ed."

He shut the door and pressed himself against it, amazed at how effortlessly Ed had undone him, had him in utter shambles. He couldn't even think straight as the unbecoming thoughts and desires clouded a brain which was already distracted by the lingering touch of that man and the way he looked when he kneeled before him. Before he could get himself any more hot and bothered, he burried those thoughts as best he could and continued to pull on his waistcoat and jacket despite the fact his body felt uncomfortably warm.

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