The art of fuckery

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{| thank you beloved readers for putting up with my self indulgent angst! Some much needed wholesome chapters are on the way though so don't worry <3|}

Another day of neverending work awaited Blackbeard as he stumbled onto the deck, rubbing his bruised ribs with a wince when he noticed the commotion the crew was in. A ship had sailed up next to them and men were readying the cannons however they all abruptly froze when someone had grabbed their captain with a dagger to his throat.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," The stranger warned the crew, who were all ready and poised to attack, "Not unless you want a dead captain."
Ed had also been frozen, but for a very different reason; the voice of the stranger was one he never expected to hear today, it's joyful lilt recognisable anywhere.
"Now where's Ed? I know he's on this ship," the man questioned, whipping his head to where men now swarmed to pin Blackbeard down.
"I- I' m here!" He managed to call out as hands and knees pressed him to the floor.

Stede could've sobbed then and there from the familiar gruff tone that rang out. He shook his head to clear it and composed himself, he still had a mission to complete. That night he had snuck onto the ship and waited for this very moment to stop the cannon fire so the Revenge could come in close, ready for anything that might happen.
"Now you're going to bring me Blackbeard and let us leave your ship unharmed," Stede demanded.
Hornigold barked a laugh, his Adam's apple bouncing against the dagger, "and why the hell would we do that?"

Stede stepped away from him, "because you'll feel the full force of the English navy if you don't," he tore off the fake beard Jim leant him and removed the worn pirate hat, fixing his golden curls as he did so, "you see, I saw right through your piss poor attempt at pulling a quick one on me. If you want to fake a death, you should've come to me about it. I'm practically the expert. Now a lot of people listen to money. And fortunately I have a lot of it, so I have a lot of listeners. With a little convincing I managed to pay off some high ranking navy members so they could... overlook... my previous crimes. I also tipped them off about the location of your very ship. Today, they're expecting another payment for Blackbeard's crimes but if they do not receive the money, because I or Blackbeard have perished, they'll take you in for compensation instead" Stede clapped his hands together and gave Hornigold a friendly smile.

"You're bluffing," he scoffed just as a crew mate sidled up to him and pointed towards the fleet of ships on the horizon. Shock contorted his face as he looked between the unassuming gentleman pirate and the Navy fleet that now approached.
"Oh, would you look at that, they've come to collect the money. Now if you'll hand over Ed and let me pop over to my boat, we can put all this nasty business to rest," he stated, his facade falling as Hornigold signalled for the men to disperse, revealing their prisoner as he scrambled to his feet. The lovers locked eyes when Ed began to limp towards him before running right into his open arms as Stede spun him. Alas, their embrace was short lived as the gentleman pirate hurried them up onto the railings of the ship but Ed hesitated.
With one hand holding Stede's and his other raising the middle finger he snarled, "fuck you Hornigold and Hands. I hope you both rot," before they jumped off, landing in the dinghy below.

Once they were safely sailing away on The Revenge, Stede found his legs gave out from under him as the remainder of his strength depleted along with his control over his emotions. Ed knelt down with him while Stede clutched his shirt until his knuckles turned white, weeping into the fabric.
"I thought... I thought I lost you...I was so scared, Ed, I thought you were g-gone" Stede croaked, grabbing his lover's face as disbelief shifted to distress, "what... what did they do?" His fingers brushed over the healing cuts and bruises before Ed lowered his hands to allow room for him to lean in. He grazed his lips against Stede's, testing the waters, before capturing them in passionate kiss, all the worry and longing they both harboured pouring out in that moment. Hands gripped each other tightly as if they other would slip through their fingers if they loosened their grip. When the need for air finally parted them, Ed remained still as he admired the tender profile of his husband.
"I'll never leave you," he whispered, pecking his lips once more, "y'know, what you did on that boat was brilliant. The whole disguise and big reveal and the money listens stuff. I mean, calling on the Navy as well, you're fucking insane, Stede Bonnet."

The gentleman pirate wiped away his tears as he chuckled, "yeah, well the navy turning up was actually a coincidence."

"It was? So if he did call your bluff and the navy weren't there, did you have a back up plan?"

"Ah... no. I was sort of just winging it, I didn't think that far ahead."

"Oh," was all Ed could muster upon realising that their survival was all pinned on a well timed coincidence. He brushed off his distraction and focused back on Stede, noticing the darkness under his eyes and the slight gauntness to his cheeks, "my love, I'm so sorry you suffered. I hope you didn't mourn too much. Not a day went by where I didn't think about you and it was agony so I cannot even think what it must've been like for you"

"I... I missed you so terribly, Ed.." was all he could utter as Ed rose and stuck out a hand to help him up. Stede attempted to stand but his legs had been rendered completely useless after the onslaught of intense emotions and nerves " I'm afraid I got a case of the ol' jelly legs"
Blackbeard just smiled and scooped him up to lay him in bed but just as he moved away, his wrist was grabbed.
"Stay with me," he pleaded. Following his orders, Ed slipped under the sheets and held him close as they both eased into the deepest slumber they've had in weeks. Both had been exhausted in their time apart and now they were safe they could relax. In the morning they could share their hardships of the last few weeks and make up for lost time.

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