New beginnings

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After Blackbeard covertly used some of his connections to sell off the ship and finally arranged a deal with an old friend, it was time to break the news to the rest of the crew, who were already suspicious that something was afoot. The discussion had caused Stede great worry as he had only just earned their comradery back and now was going to end their whole piracy chapter. When he had gathered them all and stood before them, his expression was indistinct but Ed could notice his jaw clentch as words caught in his throat and he placed a comforting hand on the small of his back, steadying him. Stede cast him a brief, appreciative side eye before wringing his hands as he surveyed his crew which he had come to regard as family now, "I'm sure you all have your suspicions by now but I shall finally put them at ease and explain what Ed and I have decided to do. We will not be leaving Barbados, we will be buying someplace here and staying. But in order to buy it, we need the money from selling the ship" he stated, nodding sympathetically as he listened to their grievances, "I know, I know. And I'm terribly sorry. But, the place we'll be buying has many outbuildings and rooms so if you wish to join us and work at the restaurant we shall be setting up, you are more than welcome to. Or you can go your own way, and if you do, you are still more than welcome to visit"
The crew murmured amongst themselves but we're interrupted by Lucius stepping forward, "I'll join you, captain"
Relief swept over him as Stede smiled at the scribe, who was now followed by Frenchie.
"Every good restaurant needs a bard," He stated.
"And a cook," Added Roach.
One by one, almost the entire the crew agreed to join them, the only ones remaining being Oluwande and Jim; while Fang, Ivan, and Izzy were no where to be seen, having slipped away a day ago.
"No offence, Captain, but I think me and Jim are gonna travel around a bit. But we'll stick around a little while longer," Oluwande explained.
"Thank you, Olu," Stede grinned at the rest of his crew, "I thank you all for deciding to join us. It makes me so very pleased. Now we've got to gut this ship and move out so we have no time to waste! Chop chop!"

Behind closed doors, Stede's cheery persona slacked off him as he let his forehead fall against Ed's chest, his nerves rendering him exhausted. Ed didn't say anything but just wrapped a firm arm around him and stroked his soft waves as the rhythmic thrum of his heart helped steady Stede's own. It was miraculous really, how he and Mary were truly lighthouses to each other. She guided him away from her and into the arms of someone who truly accepted and loved him for all he was, and he guided her into the arms of a much better husband. They would not crack up on each other's rocks in this lifetime.
With a bracing inhale, Stede composed himself again and gave Ed a small peck before tackling the immense task of packing all his books and clothes.

In a matter of days, the ship was sadly sold off and they had rehoused themselves in the quaint plot of land Stede had purchased. It was a breathtaking farm house with wisteria creeping along its pale yellow walls and a rich garden surrounded it with fragrant flowers and flora of all kinds. Scattered around on this small fragment of land were a barn and other small buildings which had been converted into rooms for the tavern. Once the crew had settled themselves into their new livings and the night came to ease the lingering weariness from a busy day, the couple found themselves alone. Ed slipped into bed as he blew out the last candle and allowed Stede to move close and drape an arm around him.
"Do you have any regrets?" He suddenly inquired.

"Not one," Ed replied in a heart beat, rolling onto his other side to face him, "do you?"

"Maybe not becoming a pirate sooner, then I would've met you sooner"

"Nahh you don't want to have met me earlier. I mean, you saw the person I became around Calico Jack, I was a dickhead back then. I bet you would've hated me"

"I highly doubt that, Ed. You've always had this kind side to you, it just might have been more work to have drawn it out back then"

"Yeah, it's rotten work looking after me though," he mumbled, leaning into the hand that cupped his jaw which was slowly growing a beard back.

"Not for me it isn't," Soothed Stede, pressing their foreheads together as he stroked his thumb over his cheek. It still baffled him that the very man who had fallen for him was the least likely of them all. The most feared pirate to sail the sea, who's ruggedly handsome and could have any pick of man or woman, chose him. Stede had been ridiculed and mocked for his warm temperament and preference for the finer things but Ed saw all those aspects of him and still loved him despite, becoming an unyielding pillar of support for whenever he needed it. Ed completed him in every way possible.


The devil works quick but Lucius works quicker and the next day was the wedding day. Lanterns decorated the small orchard in the corner of the garden, the trees hanging heavy with summer's fruit. The seating had been arranged and Roach was making that 50 orange glaze cake Stede seemed partial to so all that was left was to whisk Ed away to be tailored for a suit, the task Lucius was dreading the most. After Blackbeard nearly bit the tailors head off when he got too close, he settled down and managed to choose a modest shirt with a fitted navy waistcoat, adorned in silver details, and navy beeches which were covered below the knee by black heeled boots. Getting him into a full ensemble was impossible so this respectable getup was good enough for Lucius. Now his role has been complete, all that was left was to sit back and wait for everyone else to ready themselves.

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