Ebb and flow

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The next following days followed a similar pattern; Stede toiled over books, only able to confide in Oluwande and Lucius, however, the latter man tried to give relationship advice by talking about his own relationship. Stede was happy for the both of them but at this moment in time, he did not want to hear it. He detested the stares he received when he did venture out of his room to seek out Blackbeard and when he did find the captain, he would evade Stede's attempts at confrontation by finding something needing his immediate attention elsewhere. So in between the reading and visits from friends, he found himself deeply pondering the man he could not seem to draw back in. His moments where he actually let Stede close were so fleeting and overshadowed by how cold and heartless he was the rest of the time. He did not even look his way and it broke Stede's heart. So he let it break in silence and gave Ed the space he desired.

In spite of that, today was different since today they were arriving in Barbados, the stunning island and its rich turquoise waters already in view. Stede heaved a sigh as he leaned on the railings of the ship, surprised he was returning so soon. He had not predicted he'd ever return to this land, it held far too many unfortunate memories and yet had little to offer him in return. That and he was presumed dead by all in his hometown so could never return there. He tilted his head to the creak of floorboards beside him and softly gasped to see those familiar greying tresses. Stede stretched out a tentative pinky to where Ed's hands were placed on the railings, smiling as his small gesture to test the waters was returned by the aloof man placing his hand on top of Stede's. He finally brought his attention to the gentleman pirate and he smiled back at him warmly.

"Your country is beautiful" Blackbeard murmured.

"Yes, I suppose it is... You know, if you would like to see some of its best spots, I can show you them..."

The way Ed's expression darkened made him fear he had stepped too far, that he tried to get too friendly and he was going to shrink back once more, "I know you requested time to heal, Ed. But I cannot bear this ebb and flow of feelings and then complete indifference... I just wish you would confide in me so I can stop driving myself insane trying to understand what you're feeling."

"I should like that," Blackbeard stated.


"I'd like you to show me the best spots here" He repeated.

Stede pursed his lips, slightly irked that his emotional plea had not been verbally acknowledged but he knew Blackbeard took it to heart, especially since he agreed to spend time with him. There was hope here yet.


Sand crunched under leather boots as the two co-captains began their day trip together; Stede dressed far more modestly than his usual, now in simple workman's shirt and trousers so he could blend in and not draw any attention. The further they walked from where the ship was anchored, the more relaxed Blackbeard seemed to become; as he lead them through a dense jungle he was even inquiring on Stede's childhood here.

"I'm sorry to disappoint but my life in the aristocracy is not as glamorous as you think. My father was colder than ice and harder than diamond and I was... quite the opposite of that, unfortunately. A disappointment through and through," He sadly recollected before sprinting up ahead, "aha! Here it is! The place I always escaped to when being a disappointment to my father became too much...It has been some time since I've been here" Stede extended his arms to dramatically reveal a clearing in the jungle. Mossy rocks formed cliffs from which fresh spring water cascaded down, creating a waterfall that fed into a sheltered pool of jade water. It looked like something straight from the garden of Eden, its serenity rendering Blackbeard taken aback.

"I used to sit on those very rocks up there and read in secret"

"Show me. I want to get a closer look" Blackbeard replied.

So he lead him over the boulders, the memories flooding back as he stood in that nostalgic spot. He was pulled back to the present when a set of hands settled on his waist from behind, craning his neck to find Ed's face a mere few inches away from his own. Their lips brushed for a moment before Stede found himself falling, catching a glimpse of Blackbeard still on the rocks as he hit the water.

"You pushed me!" Stede yelped once he swam back to the surface, moving wet locks out of his eyes.

"Oops," Blackbeard teased with a shrug, crouching as he leaned over the rock to smirk, "you must have slipped. It happens-"

Before he could react, Stede had hoisted himself to the edge of the rock and pulled him into the water by his shirt, bursting out with laughter when Ed sprang back to the surface looking like a drowned cat. He feigned a deathly glare before swimming back out, "Do you know how hard it is to take leather off when wet?" He hissed, examining his sopping clothes.

"Well, shouldn't have pushed me then!" Stede retorted, following him out of the water and trying his best to wring the water from his shirt.

"Don't dry yourself off now, we have only started swimming. No point in leaving in such a rush"

Stede turned to see Ed undressed now and approaching him, swinging the blonde over his shoulder and carrying him back into the water, laughing over his protests as he threw him in.

"Oh, you fiend! I should never have taken you here!" The gentleman pirate fumed, but the object of his vexation was already swimming away to stand under the waterfall. Stede trod water for a moment, admiring his built physique.

"Don't you know it's rude to stare," Ed called to him, "Join me."

As exasperated as he was with Blackbeard, he gave in and hurriedly removed his drenched clothes before swimming back to the waterfall, closing his eyes and shifting his face to the droplets of water as he stood there. He ran a hand down his face and saw Ed standing still, utterly fixated on him.

"Now who's staring," Stede said with a smile which would falter as Ed slipped on the rocks. The blonde shot out a hand to grab him but in turn lost his balance as well, splashing into Ed. Above water, they chuckled and Stede lifted up a hand to tuck his dark waves behind his ear, the man leaning into his touch. Eventually, they tired of the water and found a warm rock in the sunlight to dry on, Stede now more focused on combing out Blackbeard's matted waves with his fingers yet getting carried away and plaiting it neatly. With a satisfied 'hmph' at his work, he laid down on the rock to bask in the sun's warmth. Ed, who was sat between his legs, admired his braid, a reluctant smile tugging at the corners of his lips before he shifted his focus to the man who dozed behind him, affectionately dragging his fingers up and down Stede's thigh as he gazed at him like he was the most angelic thing to tread this earth. If only he could show Stede just how much he loved him and not quietly express it in the moments when the gentleman pirate was not paying attention.

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