Chapter 5

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        WHEN SEPTEMBER arrived Nadine was super excited to go back to Hogwarts and see her friends.

        All she could mainly think about this summer was how she was gonna find a suitor to get married to. She hated the idea of having a married with no love involved, like her parents.

        Let's not think of this right now Nadine thought as she grimaced. Her family has just arrived at King's Cross station.

      "Go ahead," Mrs. Nott told her daughter and motioning her to go first.  There were muggles all around looking at them weirdly, and Nadine's father glared at them.

       The Nott family refused to wear muggle clothes in public which cause them to get weird looks.

      Nadine pushed her trolley through the red brick wall. When she got through the wall, she saw lots of parents crying and hugging their parents goodbye. She was once again back on platform 9 and 3/4

      Soon enough her mother and father came through the brick wall.

      "Don't forget to study and do well on your O.W.Ls," Mr. Nott said dryly.

       "I know father," Nadine nodded at her father.

        "Please owl me if you need anything while you are at Hogwarts," Mrs. Nott nodded, "also make sure to have fun!"

         "Okay bye mother," Nadine said smiling.

         When Nadine got on the train, she headed straight for the compartment, she and her friends usually sit. When she spotted Bella she felt a rush of happiness. She ran up to her and gave her a bone-crushing hug.

         "Help, I need to breathe," Bella said pushing Nadine off her chuckling slightly.

          "Sorry," Nadine grinned "I'm just so happy to see you."

           "I know, I know, I'm so awesome," Bella smirked.

           "Anyways I have to go to the perfect compartment, I see you after."

          "Of course, you are a perfect," Bella playfully rolled her eyes.

          "Okay bye!" Nadine said happily and made her way to the perfect compartment.  When she arrived she sat in the circle and waited for everyone to arrive.

           Once everyone got there, every seat was filled but one. Head boy was a Hufflepuff boy named Thomas Clarke

           "Um everyone sit down please," Thomas asked then looked at the empty chair. "It seems like we are missing someone."

           The head girl, Isla Stevens looked at the list and then looked up, "Uh er, can Nadine please go and grab Remus Lupin?"

           Nadine was shocked, one of the most trouble-making students was perfect, but either way, she smiled and left to go get Lupin.  On the way there she realized Sirius Black was probably sitting with him.

           As she walked down all the compartment doors, she stopped at the one she knew the Marauders were in and took a deep breath. Soon she pushed open the wooden door, which caused all four boys to look over at her.

           "Love, are you here for me?" Sirius asked smirking

            "I would rather die," she said dryly, "I'm here for Lupin the perfect meeting started."

Remus quickly got up and left a compartment, as she closed the door she could hear.

"He got perfect?"


"This is a betrayal of the marauder's code"

As Nadine and Remus walked back to the perfect compartment it was filled with awkward silence.

"So, how was your summer," questioned Remus.

"Fine, what about yours?" Responded Nadine.

"It was good."

After that, they arrived at the perfect compartment and sat down. The rest of the meeting was so boring, but as it was done she quickly made her way back to her friends.

When she got to the compartment she heard bickering, which was a surprise to her.  When she entered she saw Dolores Umbridge, she almost gagged at all the pink.

Dolores Umbridge has been trying to become friends with pureblood ever since she arrived here.

"What are you doing here?" Bella spat.

"Be kind Bella, everyone deserves a chance," Sadie said kindly

"Not her, she looks like a toad," Bella said angrily.

"I'm right here," Dolores said in a sickly-nice voice she turned to Nadine, "I don't believe we met."

"Hello," Nadine glanced between all of them wearily.

"I'm Dolores Umbridge."

"We met," Bella said coolly without missing a beat

"Multiple times," Nadine added.

Bella grinned lazily, "I'm the one that told you that you look like a pink glitter bomb with a toad— ouch!"

Sadie stepped on her foot harshly the turned to Dolores, "what do you want?"

"I just wanted to see if you were free Sadie," Dolores said upset about what just happened.

"She not." Nadine and Bella both said at the same time.

Dolores got up and scowled, then left and slammed the door.

"That was super mean," Sadie told Bella sadly.  Sadie was too nice for her good, she never knew when someone was using her.  Like in the third year, these girls kept stealing her stuff and laughing about it. Well, intel Bella threatened to beat them up.

"You are mad if you think she is nice," Bella retorted sitting up straighter.

"So!" Nadine said quickly changing the subject before they start fighting, "what did you do this summer?"

"I was practicing Quidditch all summer long," Bella announced happily.  Bella was the beater for the Slytherin, which was very hard considering she was a girl and the Slytherin captain was sexist.

Nadine sighed but nodded all the less, "anything actually interesting happened?"

"I went to Italy for a bit with my family too, we saw some baby goats," Bella said happily, "they were so cute!"

Sadie then looked at Nadine "what about you?"

Nadine groaned loudly and put her head on the window, "my parents want me to find a suitor to marry for when I'm out of Hogwarts."

"No way!"

"You're are only fifth teen for god's sake!"

"I know, I know," Nadine sighed sadly. Bella got up and hugged her.

"I'm super sorry," she said sadly.

"Anyways!," Nadine said trying to lighten the mood, "I brought pumpkin pie!"

"No way!" Bella said excitedly, "you know how much I love your mother's homemade pumpkin pie."

"Thank you," Sadie said smiling at Nadine.

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