Mausoleum Melee.

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(Y/N) pov:

Tonight was the the night of The Goddess's Rite of Rebirth. The night of an assassination attempt of Archbishop Rhea. As per the plan the Black Eagles hid and carefully kept an eye on the Holy Mausoleum. Byleth and Edelgard expect that the assassination letter was a hoax and that whoever made the letter plans to enter said Mausoleum.

After a few minutes several people enter the Mausoleum and the Black Eagles follow them. The class enters and witness one of the mages are trying to break the magic seal of a sarcophagus. Upon entering said mage notices them.

Mage: "Everyone either hold them off or kill them while I break the seal. Death Knight prove to us that your strength isn't just a concocted tale."

Death Knight: "I do not bother with weaklings, however if they are so keen as to fight me I shall humor that action as their final thought."

Everyone gets into position.

Edelgard: "That knight in the center looks dangerous. We should avoid any conflict with him and hope he doesn't go for the offensive approach."

Byleth: "Hubert, Ferdinand, Dorothea, and Petra. You all come with me to the right. Edelgard, (Y/N), Bernadetta, Caspar, and Linhardt. You all take the left."

Everyone follows the strategy to a tee until Caspar is seen staring in the Death Knights direction. A large grin appears on his face.

Caspar: "I just can't ignore a powerful opponent."

(Y/N): "Caspar! Don't!"

Caspar rushes the Death Knight and jumps up to try to deliver an overhead swing only for the Death Knight to parry it and send him flying into a pillar.

Death Knight: "I told you that any challenge against me would result in your death. Now perish knowing you were foolish enough to ignore my warning."

He brings up his scythe to strike Caspar only for (Y/N) to block the attack in the nick of time and though he struggled he managed to push the Death Knight back.

Caspar: "(Y-Y-Y/N)? What are you doing?"

(Y/N): "Go help Edelgard and the others. Once the rest of the intruders are taken care of then come back to help me."

Caspar runs off as the Death Knight stares at you.

Death Knight: "Impressive. Very few can push me back when our weapons clash. I'll take care of you first then I'll eliminate that fool who attacked me."

(Y/N): "You won't get to them unless it's over my dead body."

Death Knight: "That can be arranged."

The two charge at each other as (Y/N) moves Maelstrom to lock in Death Knight's scythe then proceeds to throw himself backwards with his foot on the Death Knight's chest unlock their weapons and throws him before quickly making his way back to his feet. They immediately charge at each other again and clash.

(Y/N): "What purpose do you even have to be down here? Why try to steal from the Church? What do you gain from doing this?"

Death Knight: "I'm merely here to make sure these weaklings make it out alive, and my identity won't be discovered. I don't get much from this besides this fight."

He pushes against you as you skid against the ground and block another incoming attack. You move to the left causing him to stumble slightly, but allows you to attack him. You swing Maelstrom into his back only for nothing to happen as he turns around and delivers a devastatingly powerful punch to your face and knocks you to the ground.

Death Knight: "You're truly impressive. This is the first fight I've actually somewhat enjoyed in a long time, but you're not strong enough to beat me. Once I'm done with you I'll kill all of your little friends. Perhaps I'll start with-"

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