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So here is some info you guys will need to know for this story.

Female friends: Evie and Scarlet.
Male friends: Evan and Issac.

To put in your name I will not be using Y/n, instead I will be using this -> _____ <- without the arrows. I will also do the same for your gender! the difference is it will look like this. -> {____} <- without the arrows. You are also 21 or 22. (your choice.)
Your back story is that you had a normal life, the only thing that had traumatized you for a bit was when a murderer came inside your home at the
age of 15, thanks to the murderer, you now have a scar on your left eye. Your very lucky to not be blind in that eye.

I know, not many friends in play but I will most likely add more in due time. For texting others it will look like this.

girl.exe: is Evie.
No_one_here: is Scarlet.
_Mandude_: is Evan.
I_like_pennies: is Issac.
The_Theripist: is you.

You can request stuff for this book. I will not do anything that includes nsfw, lemons, or anything related to that.

If you see anything wrong like some grammar issues or a misspelled word, please let me know so that I can fix it!

Have a wonderful day/evening/night!

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