Monty's Attack

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(your p.o.v.) (language Warning)

           Sun's words continued to repeat in my head, causing one question to repeat in my head. 'What does Sun mean, why would he and Moon need my help?' As that question continued to repeat, more questions came to my mind. "____!" I snapped back to reality, I saw that Evan was about to slap my face. I grabbed his arm and glared at him. "Jeez- Stop giving me the death glare! Not my fault you wouldn't respond to anything else!" Evan said trying to pull his arm out of my grasp. I let go of his arm and sigh, "Sorry, I just want to know what Sun meant." I looked down, wanting answers. Everyone looked at each other than at me, "Well, we don't have much time before it becomes your second night of being stuck here. Maybe we could find Freddy and get him to help?" Scarlet suggested. I nodded in response, not wanting to talk at the moment. Evie came up behind me and put her hand on my back, I look at her confused. She smiled, it wasn't her natural smile she would give me. I sighed and walked a head of the group, wanting to find Freddy and let him take care of them. 'Monty is the last one that needs help, I won't risk my friends lives for this.' I thought, trying to find Freddy quickly. It was already getting late, which isn't really helpful at the moment. "____!" I hear a yell/whisper near one of the plush in the gift shop. I focus my attention towards the same plush and see Gregory, along with Freddy. I smiled lightly and dragged my friends to them. "Hey! Where are you taking us!?" Issac whispered/yelled at me. Not understanding what I was doing. "Hey you two, do you guys think you can protect my friends?" I asked Freddy and Gregory. They both nodded, looking at my group of friends. "hey wait a minute, what about you?" Scarlet said, looking at my tired face. I smiled tiredly, "I have someone that needs my help, I made a promise so I'm going to finish it." I said, walking away. I can hear my friends yelling at me to come back, but I didn't listen. I ran around the main area, staying hidden from everyone. I hear the speakers go off, indicating that the place was officially closed. 'Now's my chance!' I thought as I see Monty patrolling the Pizza Plex. "Here goes nothing." I whisper, running behind Monty and jumping onto his back. Monty started to move a lot, trying to throw me off of him. "STAY STILL!" I yell out, now rapping my legs around his neck, preventing him from throwing me off. When he stopped moving I started to work on getting him no longer controlled? Still confused on that. I was about to turn him off so I would have an easier time and not worry about getting killed faster. Monty dug his metal claws into my legs, causing blood to pour out quickly. I screamed in pain, falling off of Monty and landing on the hard floor. Tears fall from my face and blood poured out from both legs. I looked up in pain, seeing Monty raising his bloody metal hand. 'He's going to kill me!' I thought, shaking of the pain and fear. I close my eyes tight, not wanting to see when he will take my life. I feel myself getting picked up and being rushed to somewhere. I opened my eyes, trying to see what saved me. everything I looked at was very blurry, but I can still tell who saved my life. "Sun..?" Sun looked down at me, but I can't tell what he's saying. I tried to say something but that's when everything went black.

(3rd p.o.v.)

        "____!" Sun yelled, stopping immediately from running. The light's flickered and turned off, allowing Moon to come out and see the chaos in play. Moon saw you in his arms, bleeding from the legs and your face stained with dried up tears.  'Sun, what the f*ck happened to {___}' 'Monty happened! He had clawed {___} legs open!' Moon wanted to dismantle Monty after what he was told, but knew he couldn't. "Lets get you patched up.." he said, hoping you were still conscious enough to hear him. He started to speed walk to the daycare, there was a med kit near the light switch. Moon stopped randomly and set you down on the ground, looking at the blood pouring out of your legs. 'Moon? What are you doing?' '{___} losing too much blood, I have to slow it down.' 'How are you going to do that?' Moon sighed and took off his ribbons, rapping each one on a different leg. 'That should slow down the blood flow for now, lets get {___} back at the daycare to rest.' Moon picked you up carefully and started to walk towards the daycare again. He still did a speed walk all the way to the daycare, watching for any signs of movement along the way. He saw the daycare doors, now seeing the doors in his sight he ran the rest of the way there. Pushing open the doors he rushed to the med kit, setting you down carefully on the chairs. He grabbed disinfection, bandages, cotton balls, wipes, water, and clips. He brought the stuff over to your unconscious body and started to patch you up. '{___} will heal in due time, {___} shouldn't be walking around for now on if {___} legs are going to heal.' 'True, OH! I can play with {___}!' Moon rolled his eye lights over his brother's excitement. He picked you up and took you straight towards the balcony so you could truly rest and restore your energy. 'Now Sun, I'm gonna let you out under ONE condition. Do NOT wake ____, if we want {___} to heal, {___} must rest.' 'Hmmm, fine. BUT once {___} awake, we are gonna do some arts and crafts or maybe do a puppet show or-' 'Yes Sun I understand.' Moon was now a little irritated, not wanting to hear the plans of his brother's. He went towards the lights and pressed the switch.

(Sun's p.o.v.)

         I saw the bright lights, course that's usually what I see since my brother won't let me see what he's doing. I ran up to ____ sleeping body and hopped on the bean bag chair that was right next to {___}. 'SUN! Be careful, we don't want them to wake up right now!' If I could roll my eyes I would. I blocked Moon from seeing what I was doing or seeing now. 'Sun, why did you f*cking block me from seeing!?' 'Because one, you always block me from seeing what your doing! And two, I don't need you to yell at me for absolutely nothing!' 'LET ME SEE!' 'NO!' My brother and I started to fight over this now, I didn't even realize that ____ was waking up.

SLOW UPDATES! I'm really sorry for being gone for so long. I had lost motivation for a bit and I've been trying to enjoy myself for a bit! Also thank you @ennard2020 for following! Hope you all have a wonderful day/evening/night!

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