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(____ p.o.v.) [Language Warning]

           "Why!? I'm not that stupid!" I started to get pissed at this information. I, again, try to move around. Moon sounded like he was growling now, "Stop moving! Your going to hurt yourself more and than more blood will come out! Do you want to die of blood loss!?" Moon lashed out, grabbing my arms tightly, almost to where he could cause my arms to bleed. I tried getting out of his grip, it hurts so much. "LET GO! YOUR HURTING ME!" Moon let go immediately, looking at his hand than me. Tears were slowly going down my face and landing on my hands. I couldn't move my body anymore due to the amount of pain I'm in. Moon reached his hand closer, trying to check the damage he caused. I flinched, only to feel massive pain. Moon carefully grabbed my arms and removed my shirt carefully. If it wasn't for the fact that if I move my body because of the immense pain, I would slap Moon right now and put my shirt back on. My arms had purple marks from where Moon originally grabbed me. Some of the spots had blood slowly fall, it wasn't as fatal though. Moon's eye lights were off, almost like he turned himself off. He moved slowly and got up, walking over to the balcony and jumping off. 'Great, now I'm alone, shirtless, and can't even move!!!!' This irritated me, I feel so hopeless because of the state I'm in. My mind starts too wonder more, leaving me in a blank state. I hear bells jingle near by, indicating either Moon or Sun are back. I look over to see Moon, he's holding what looks to be a med kit.

(3rd p.o.v.)

             Moon sits down in front of ____, carefully grabbing {___} arms. He opens the med kit and carefully tends to the wounds. ____ looked away, {___} more focused on that fact that {___} shirt was off due to him. Moon noticed that ____ looked away. He thought that ____ was mad at him, which he felt sorry. "I didn't mean to hurt you...I just can't let someone die...Again..." This caught ____'s interest. "What do you mean 'again'?" Moon looked at {___} and gave them an answer. "Your not the first one we've kinda, 'kidnapped'" ____ looked at him with shock, "how many people did you kidnap!? Especially my world!" Moon sighed, worried of what ____ would think once he said. "Maybe, 20?" ____'s eyes widen, fearing the next question. "Did they all die...?" Moon didn't respond with words. He nodded his head slowly, removing his hands from {___} arms. {___} arms were bandaged carefully, but would have to have someone else's help to remove them. ____ couldn't move though, it was like time had stopped the moment he nodded. ____'s eyes darted at Moon's face than the floor. This repeated for a bit, Id say for a minute. Moon grabbed {___} shoulder's gently and pulled {___} to his chest. He put a blanket over ____ and forced {___} head on his chest. ____ passed out due to too much use of energy and was resisting to rest. Moon made the sound of sighing, picking {___} up and gently setting {___} down on the couch. Keeping {___} covered in the blanket, Moon walks over to the other couch and tried to talk to Sun again.

(Moon's p.o.v.)

           'Sun, you there?' Sun didn't respond, but I know he was there. I made it where he can see what I'm seeing which caused him to power on in our shared head. He didn't respond though, 'Sun, I'm sorry but what you said had hurt me.' No response.. 'What happen to ____!?' And just like that, Sun has forgotten why he was mad in the first place. 'I, accidently grabbed {___} arms to tight and caused them to bruise.' 'Moon!' 'I know, at least I'm letting you see!' 'Hmmm, fair.' I would've slapped my head if it wasn't for the fact that SUN TOOK CONTROL! 'SUN THE F*CK!?' 'I want control, I want to check on ____.' He sounds so proud of himself of taking control. 'Besides, you blocked me completely. So this can be your apology to me.' 'So you do remember. Fine, you can have control.' 'Woot! Oh, also-' SUN!? THAT F*CKER BLOCKED ME!

(Sun's p.o.v.)

           I blocked Moon and stood up, walking over to ____. {___} looked so peaceful when sleeping, course, I have this feeling that ____ used to much energy and passed out. I hear something at the balcony, which was odd. I look over and see Freddy, Gregory, and four other people. "Sun, give us ____." I wish I can show my expression, but I can't. "____ needs sleep, you will not move {___} from {___} spot." I stood in front of them, refusing to let them near ____. "Sun-" "{___} injured! ____ has to rest in order to function!" "Sun-" "I'm not letting you take {___} while {___} like this!" "SUN!" Freddy yelled at me, finally done with me rambling on why ____ needs to stay. "I understand you want ____ to be okay, but we found something and we need not only ____'s help, but yours as well.." This confused me, than it hit. "Is it, who I think it is?" Freddy didn't answer with words, he only nodded. "Well sh*t." Was all I could say. HE was back and was most likely going to try to kill ____.. I made it where Moon could see. 'What the f*ck Sun.' 'He's back Moon..' Moon stayed silent. All I could hear from his thoughts were a bunch of no's. I looked at Freddy, "Moon and I need an upgrade than. We can't do much if we don't have that body Moon made." Freddy nodded, looking at the group. "Go a head and get to the daycare doors, Sun, ____, and I will be there shortly." Everyone nodded and started the climb down.

(Freddy's p.o.v.)

             I look at Sun with worry, knowing that HE was here too possibly kill ____. "Where did you find HIM.." Sun asked, "we found a piece of HIM in mazercise." Sun fell silent, most likely getting Moon to take control. Moon is now standing in front of me. Irritation flows inside him, it was very noticeable. I don't blame him though, HE was back.. "Freddy." I looked at Moon in the eyes, knowing what he was about to say. "Get the group out of here and down to parts and service. I'll be right with you." "You have to-" "bring ____, I know." I nodded, going to the balcony and started to climb down. I lost grip and fell into the ball pit. Thankfully I was halfway down so it wasn't a big fall. I stand up again and walk to the doors. "I hope ____'s okay.." "Yeah, it sucks that we can't even get near {___}!" "Mhm." "True, but we need to have faith in {___}." The group of young adults say. "Hello superstars! Lets make our way down to parts and service!" I say, looking around to make sure HE wasn't near by listening in.

(3rd p.o.v.)

          Moon grabbed ____, making his way towards parts and service. As much as Moon and Sun hate it, the both of them knew this was needed. Enough was enough, they didn't need HIM to kill another one. ____ was their only hope of getting out of here. In the darkness, Vanny stood behind the digital sign. "Well than, your plan might fail." Vanny said, looking at the digital sign. Slowly, the digital sign started to glitch, showing a weird looking bunny. "I'm aware Vanny, everyone is panicking that HE's back." ""Who even is this?" Vanny asked, sharpening the knife she keeps hold. "His name is-" Freddy is carrying Gregory while the four young adults follow behind. The small group were almost at the main stage, where they can get to parts and service. Moon was above the group, keeping hold of ____. He didn't want to accidentally drop {___}, so he lowered himself closer to the floor. "Alrighty superstars! Time to go down." Gregory nodded and pushed the button. The elevator started to go down slowly, causing the others to have slight anxiety. "How long has ____ been knocked out?" Evie asked. "{___} been knocked out after being attacked by Monty." "Monty attacked {___}!?" Scarlet asked, now getting closer to ____. Moon backed up, making sure that Scarlet couldn't touch ____, "yes, he did. He attacked {___} legs." "Who got {___} arms than?" Gregory asked, crossing his arms. Everyone nodded, also wondering the same question. Moon fell silent, not wanting to be truthful. "Monty.." Everyone nodded, except Issac. Issac could tell Moon was lying, which irritated him. The elevator stopped, which meant they were now in the same level as they're destination.

Huge thanks to @Moondrop637 @MiaBella433 for following!! Also huge thanks for the people reading this! I enjoy reading your comments by the way so if you have anything you want to comment go right ahead! I will happily read your comment! And yes, I'm not telling you who the new character is. He will be introduced soon, just not now. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Have a wonderful day/evening/night!

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