Night One Ends.

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(Moon's p.o.v.)

           I walked towards where ___ is sleeping and sat next to {___}. 'When do you think {___} wake up?' 'I don't know, maybe when it's morning.' 'WHAT!? Why In the morning!? That is to long!' '{___} suppose to sleep the night out. This is completely normal so if the lights ever turn on your not aloud to wake {___}. Got it?' Sun fell silent, not wanting to listen at this point. I rolled my eyes, not wanting to deal with him. I look down at ___'s sleeping form, seeing {___} this way felt odd. I sighed and tried to talk to Sun again. 'Sun, I know you want our suffering to end from this world, but if we're going to ask for ____'s help we need to let {___} rest. Other wise {___} be to tired to even help us.' I waited for Sun to even acknowledge what I said to him. Sighing again I rested my robotic head on my hands and stayed focus on ____. Surprisingly {___} was sleeping peacefully. I reached over to {___} head and started to give {___} head pats.

(3rd p.o.v.)

         Moon was enjoying giving you head pats, but would look around in case someone or something was watching. The time was already three AM. Gregory was passed out and was being carried around by Freddy. Chica and Roxy stayed close to Freddy as well to help out. Chica did notice that you disappeared and tried looking for you for an hour and a half, but had no luck. You were of course sleeping, but had continuous flashbacks of your past. This was out of the normal for you but you didn't mind it, since it was only good ones for now. It had now hit four AM. Moon was now fighting the urge to cuddle your sleeping figure. Why? Well it's cause before he had changed so much because of 'things' he had snuggled and hugged so many kids. It made him very happy, but because of the glitch he can't do it without fearing he's going to hurt a small child. In the end of fighting the urge he gave up and had you in his metal arms, making sure that your not hurt or you'll end up hurt in anyway. Moon sighed in content seeing he is able to hold you without worry, well to much worry. 

(Sun's p.o.v.)

           I saw Moon's message and sighed in our shared mind. I wasn't going to respond for a while. Why? It's cause he's right, and I hate admitting that he's right. I'm just hoping the lights will automatically turn on at any moment so I can finally see on what's happening. 'Sun please just say something! I won't brag about this just please talk to me!' 'Fine, but you have to promise me you won't brag about being right.' 'I promise.' 'good, now tell me what's happening, cause you won't let me see on what your doing!' 'Well I'm holding ____ in my arms while {___} sleeping.' 'Really? I want to at least see what {___} looks like!'

(3rd p.o.v.)

         Moon didn't want Sun to see the situation, so he said no. Sun and Moon started to argue about this all night long. Moon had to move you into his and Sun's room so you won't get bothered on the amount of kids that will barge through the daycare doors.

Well, this is interesting? Um, we made it through the first night, woot! But now we will have bigger problems up ahead. What kind? I don't know honestly, have a wonderful day/evening/night everyone!

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