Embarrassment and Friends

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(3rd p.o.v.)

              It was morning, parents were dropping their kids off and teens were already playing some games. The kids that were dropped off at the Superstar Daycare ran around having so much fun. You were still asleep, not aware of what is happening. Sun was skipping around having fun with the little ones. I forgot to mention about the few teens that had to watch over their siblings. "This is boring." One teen said, the others agreed and looked around the daycare, trying to find something to do. "We could figure out what's in the robot's room." One boy teen said, pointing towards the daycare attendant's room. The other teens nodded with mischievous grins. Four young adults saw them and asked if they could join them. The teens looked at each other then nodded. Sun skipped over to the small group, "Well hello friends! What are you all planning on doing!? Maybe some finger painting or glitter glue or even hide n' seek!" Sun then grabbed the teens and dragged them over to join the small kids. The four young adults looked at each other then walked towards the daycare attendant's room. "Seems like we're gonna have to climb." One of the male adults said. "ya, I hope ____ is up there. I never thought this would happen..." One of the female's said. They all nodded and started to climb up to the room.

(your p.o.v.)

           I faintly hear someone calling for my name. I tried to open my eyes, wanting to know who is calling me. I struggled on opening my eyes, but finally got them open. I looked at the small group that was in front of me. "Uhhhh, do I know you?" I asked faintly. I honestly thought I didn't know them because, I'M IN A DIFFERENT WORLD! Anyways, they looked at each other than at me. "Yes you do know us. But before you say you don't know us please let us prove to you that you DO know us." one of them said. The voice sounded very familiar so I nodded, wanting to give them a chance. They removed the masks that they were wearing and looked at me. "Evie? Scarlet? Evan? Issac!?" I was shocked, my friends were with me. "Ya, we all went to your house to surprise you but you weren't there, we also saw that in your room your computer was on. We tried turning it off but it sucked us inside this world." Evan said, sounding a bit scared at the end of his sentence. I stood up and hugged them all. "I missed you guys so much!" I said, almost about to cry. I then hear children laughing. I removed myself from my group of friends and walked over to the balcony, still very hidden. My eyes had widen, not believing on what was happening. My muscles were tense and my eyes went wide. 'I'm still here.. I need to get out of here with my friends...' I thought trying to relax my muscles. I looked at my friends again, "We need to get down from here and hide somewhere else." I said, my friends looked at me confused. "I thought the daycare is the safest place in the game though?" Evie said, looking at me. I shook my head no, "I don't want to deal with Sun trying to keep me here and as for Moon... He refuses to even let me go anywhere." They all looked at me with worry. "How long have you been here..?" Scarlet said getting really worried. "Seeing as it's morning then I'd say all night." I said with a tired expression. We all heard something climbing up to the balcony. My friends scattered, trying to find a hiding spot for themselves. I stood still, knowing that if this was Sun, he would try and look around for me, or if it's someone else then they could help. Everyone found a hiding spot and I faced the balcony, and of course, it was Sun.

(3rd p.o.v)

           You backed away from him, not wanting him anywhere near you. Sun noticed that your awake and ignored that you backed away, instead he ran up to you and gave you a big hug. You both fell over, You on the floor and Sun right above you. Your friends knew about the situation but they all wanted to go 'aww' at the two of you. Your eyes closed when he ran towards you, so when you opened your eyes your face became red instantly. You closed your eyes shut, feeling so embarrassed of the situation. Sun though, he laughed a little and helped you up. "You alright? If I hurt you I'm so sorry!" Sun said, starting to check for any wounds or bruises on you. You turned your head away from him, being to embarrassed. Sun noticed this and laughed a little, "Well then! I will make sure to keep note of that! I came up here to see if your awake so I could tell you that the day is almost over. Which means tonight you and I can spend all night together! Without running away though." He said, looking at you with a death glare at the end of his sentence. This made you even more scared, course you tried to hide it. Sun gave you a head pat before walking back to the balcony. "One more thing before I go back down, don't follow me down, I don't need security or even random adults trying to take you back home. We still need your help." Once he finished he hopped into the ball pit that was beneath the balcony. You wanted to ask him on what he meant when he said 'We still need your help' but he was already gone. Your friends came out of their hiding spots and dragged you away from the balcony and out of the room through a door.

End of this chapter, I am so sorry about the lack of updates. I had lost motivation for a bit and my schooling had started. But I'm glad I didn't try and pushing myself to update this chapter so quickly because I'm pretty sure it would turn out horribly. Also thank you all for reading my stories and supporting me! This made me so happy and it helped me through so much! 

@Mortsisnothere and @KatarinaSchossow thank you both for following! If you both want something added to either of my stories please let me know!

Hope you all have a wonderful day/evening/night!

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