CHAPTER FIFTEEN: Brandy Alexander

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A/N: Okay, so I meant for this chapter to be longer but things got sidetracked tonight

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A/N: Okay, so I meant for this chapter to be longer but things got sidetracked tonight. I finished the first year of my PhD program, and alcohol was a factor. Also, this chapter didn't really go the way I expected it to? The next one will pick up right where this left off and it'll be dramaaaaatiiiiic!

CW: Smut, discussions of unprotected sex AND unprotected sex, spanking, dirty talk.

Charlotte wakes up in pitch black, staring into an empty void. She knows she's in the apartment. It feels like the apartment, but all of the furniture is gone. As her eyes begin to adjust, she can see the structure of the home that she and Bucky share.

There's someone standing in the kitchen with a pair of glowing red eyes that are focused on her, and her alone. The hair on the back of her neck stands up and goosebumps rush through her entire body. Dread feels cold and clammy, gripping her body in a vice. She can't breathe, can't move, can't speak. All she can do is stand. And stare.

"Charlotte." The voice is soft, like a chorus of whispers. Her heart is beating fast and she's sweating. She hears a gust of wind, but can't see it, and then the eyes begin to get closer as she realizes the thing is walking toward her.

"No," she whimpers. "Please."

"Charlotte, my darling. Join us."

She sees a pale hand with claws reach out to her and feels it touch her face. It's like ice. A tear rolls down her cheek.

"Just leave me alone."

"Don't fight it, Charlotte. It's so much easier if you don't fight."

Laughter envelops her like a blanket. Cold and uncaring. Definitely more than one voice. The glowing eyes blink.

"I have to make you mine. Or you'll end up like the others."

A thick, jagged claw trails down her face. The longer she stares into those eyes, the more she wants to give in. It would be easier. Maybe these nightmares would stop. She could finally get some fucking rest.

"Let me in, Charlotte," the creature whispers. She can see pfearly white fangs and a wide mouth that curls into a smile. "Would it be so bad?"


"All you have to do is say yes." The voice becomes clearer, familiar, but she can still hear multiple voices humming in the background, all saying the same thing.

"I can't," she manages to choke out. "I can't."

The creature leans in and she begins to see more of its features. Hollow eyes, a long, sharp nose, and sunken features. Pale, but most of it is still obscured by darkness.

"Then I'll take what I need."

Its mouth opens. Inhuman and she hears the sound of a jaw popping. Charlotte grabs the dog tags that she knows are around her neck and holds them up. She hears shrieking. She screams, closing her eyes and waiting for death, for pain, for whatever this creature has in store for her.

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