Chapter 1

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Where was the best place to lay her burden? Candy scanned the conference room as she briefly pondered her dilemma. Her manicured nails drummed on the surface of the oak table. The meeting was for a small group of corporate executives. Despite the size, she wanted to make a good impression. After all, she had a reputation to maintain. This was her job, she would do it well, damn it.

Candy placed the tray of donuts in the center of the table along with the box of coffee and disposable cups. The last-minute adjustments to the napkins were more of a formality than a necessity. Everything was in its place as it should be. Proud of her handiwork, she stood to her full height.

Eyes bore into her back. It was him. She shivered inwardly. Goosebumps covered her arms. There was no reason to turn around. Her body always reacted when he was near. He willed her to turn, to look at him. Should she? Resisting the urge was nearly impossible. Butterflies danced in her belly. The danger of losing her soul was a very real threat. He threw her off balance. Candy wasn't sure if she could handle the repercussions. Some days, much like today, she held on to her small-town morals by a thread.

Candy bit her inner cheek. It was a mediocre attempt to guard her composure. It was better than nothing. She ran her hands along the sides of her skirt, smoothing the invisible wrinkles. If she didn't keep busy, she might just succumb to her baser urges. She did not need to look at him to know his desire for her would burn like embers in those vivid green depths,

Dare she peek? Throwing a cautious glance over her shoulder, she couldn't stop the giddy smile from spreading across her face. Her assumption was correct, as she knew it would be. Logan, her boss, and lover stood at the entrance of his adjoining office suite. His broad shoulder rested casually against the door jamb, blocking her view into his office.

"Now, that's a view I'll never get tired of seeing." Logan's hungry gaze combed over her from the crown of her head to the stilettos on her feet. Her nipples hardened, straining like jewels against her satin top. Her belly fluttered with anticipation. "Come here and let me taste you."

"Not in the office," she admonished. She fled from the room, and the temptation she read in his sinful eyes.

Candy took several deep breaths to steady her raging hormones once she returned to her desk. The elevator chimed. In a single file, several men sailed through the doors. She was glad she'd left the conference room when she did, or she might not have made it back on time.

"Welcome to L & C Construction Inc. If you'll just follow me, it's right this way." Candy greeted the group of corporate officials. Picking up her tablet, she led the group to the room next to her boss's office. Candy opened the door and then stepped aside so the men could enter. "Mr. Donovan is waiting for you in here."

"Ladies first." Ashton, the owner of several lucrative Supermarket chains, stopped beside her. His hand rested on her lower back as he guided her into the room.

Ashton never passed up an opportunity to flirt with her when he visited the office. The man was handsome. He was in his early forties. A lady's man, at least that's what they called him. He left a slew of broken hearts in his bed if you believed the rumors. If she wasn't so enthralled with her boss, she too might have found herself in his bed.

Logan sat at the head of the rectangular table. He looked up from the papers he'd been reading. His eyes narrowed on Ashton's hand. He held it for a pregnant moment, then returned his attention to the documents. She moved swiftly to dislodge the connection. She made her way across the room towards her usual seat on Logan's left. Ashton widened his steps, beating her to her chair.

"You smell as sweet as your name," he whispered as he pulled her chair out for her. "What perfume are you wearing. I'll buy you some more."

"No, thank you. I still have a full bottle." Her cheeks heated. The perfume she wore had been a gift from Logan. She stole a glance in Logan's direction. His features remained unfazed. A nervous giggle erupted from her full soft lips. Candy ran her hands along the back of her pinstriped knee-length skirt before taking her seat.

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