Chapter 7

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Candy had just updated Logan's weekly itinerary when his voice boomed over the intercom. Logan called her into his office. Her nerves were running haywire. She hadn't laid eyes on him in several days. She was nervous, anxious, and a little giddy to see him again.

She stood at his desk, drinking him in. His eyes bored into her for several long moments. Candy snatched her gaze away, forcing herself to break the connection. He doesn't want you anymore. She reminded herself. Her mind heard her loud and clear. But her heart tripped, beating an unsteady rhythm against her ribs. It foolishly didn't seem to get the message. She wanted to run into his arms, but that would be to accept whatever breadcrumbs he threw her way. If only she could put her foolish heart in rice like she did her ruined phones.

"You requested a vacation. I approved it, but there's a catch. I need a favor first. I need you to train Amanda. She'll fill in for you while you're out. I want her to shadow you for a week or so until she gets the hang of things."

"It'll be like having an assistant of my own. Does that mean I get to send her on coffee runs and errands?" She joked, hoping to lighten the mood between them. Things between them had been tense the last few days. The tension between them was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"You can send her wherever you'd like as long as it's pertinent to her duties." He pinned her with a serious stare. "You are training, after all."

"Whatever you say, boss!" she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Isn't this what you wanted? A business relationship only?"

"I'm not going to apologize for wanting to keep it professional between us at work."

"I'm not asking you to. We're finished here."

That was a dismissal if she'd ever heard one. Turning on her heels, she marched from his office. Tears glistened in her eyes. Every day she came to work, her heart broke a little more. The worst part was she saw no hope of them reconciling. Their middle-of-the-night breakup was permanent. She should be grateful; her mind knew a relationship with no hope of a future wasn't worth being in. But her heart, her heart wanted him however she could have him.

When she returned to her desk, she buried herself in her work for the rest of the day. Her eyes were glued to the computer screen as if her life depended on it. She counted the hours until she could kick off her shoes, bust open a bottle of wine, and forget about the day's events. The incoming ping from her Facebook messenger snapped her out of her work trance.

"I can't wait to see you, Dice. Life hasn't been the same here since you ditched me." She smiled inwardly. Dice was the nickname Trent had given her growing up. They were always up to some mischief, and she was more or less the wring leader.

Trent always knew how to make her smile. She was looking forward to her trip home. Neither knew or cared whether she'd friend-zoned him or if it was the other way around. Their chemistry was undeniable. That was all that had mattered to them growing up. No matter how often people whispered behind their hands as they walked by.

Candy's hand hovered over her keyboard as she moved to type her response. Someone clearing their throat directly behind her made her almost jump out of her seat. There was no need to turn around. She knew it could only be Logan. She quickly switched to her work screen, although the writing was already on the wall.

"New boyfriend already?" She chanced a glance over her shoulder. Logan stood directly behind her, glowering at her with his arms crossed over his chest.

"He's just a friend." She could've kicked herself for responding. He didn't deserve a response. He'd dumped her, and she was a single woman free to date whoever she pleased, whenever she pleased.

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